Tag Archives: online

New Technique Could Boost Online Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the Open University of Catalonia have developed a technique for creating complex predictive tools that can be used to make effective decisions about word-of-mouth marketing for online products and services. (more…)

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Jung, online, kompetent: Die neue Generation im Netz

Kleinkinder, die ein Smartphone bedienen, bevor sie laufen oder sprechen können. Grundschüler, die in sozialen Netzwerken aktiv sind. Teenager, die eigene Videokanäle betreiben und bloggen. Das gehört längst zur medialen Realität. Doch die Anforderungen an den Erwerb digitaler Kompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen sind hoch.

Die Spielzeugbranche hat es längst erkannt: Sogar die Allerkleinsten sind fasziniert von Tablets und Smartphones. Früh haben sie begriffen, dass man über das Display wischen muss, um das nächste Foto aufzurufen. Kinder erleben täglich, wie ihre Eltern mobile Endgeräte nutzen und wollen es ihnen gleichtun. Dementsprechend haben inzwischen fast alle großen Spielzeuganbieter das Kindersmartphone in ihrem Sortiment. Ausgezeichnet sind die Produkte für die Altersgruppe ab sechs Monaten. Die Firma Fisher-Price bietet eine kindgerechte iPhone-Halterung an, damit auch Kleinstkinder das elterliche Telefon benutzen können, ohne dass das Display in tausend Scherben zerspringt. Blinkende und laute Spielzeuge sind ohnehin extrem beliebt – doch sollen Kinder, die noch nicht einmal ein Jahr alt sind, schon mobile Endgeräte bedienen? Und wie sinnvoll sind Apps speziell für Kleinkinder? (more…)

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150 Years of Mexican, Mexican American History Now Online

The UA Libraries has just made 150 years of regionally published newspapers documenting the voice of Mexican and Mexican American communities digitally available for the first time.

A new digital collection at the University of Arizona Libraries makes accessible more than 150 years of news coverage documenting the voice of the Mexican and Mexican American community.

Curated, researched and digitized by librarians and archivists, in consultation with UA professors, the collection features 20 significant Mexican and Mexican American publications, many in Spanish. (more…)

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comScore Study Highlights Digital Wallet Market Potential and Current Adoption Barriers

New Report “Digital Wallet Road Map 2013” Offers Data, Insights and Strategies for Overcoming Barriers on Awareness, Understanding of Benefits, Availability and Security Concerns

RESTON, VA, February 4, 2012 – comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released the Digital Wallet Road comScoreMap 2013, a study which measures consumer awareness, perceptions and intent to use current digital wallet offerings. The study found that digital wallets, which store a virtual copy of the contents of a consumer’s physical wallet to facilitate online or offline retail transactions, only had awareness among 51 percent of U.S. consumers for wallets other than PayPal.

“Digital wallets represent an innovative technology that has not yet reached critical mass among consumers due to a variety of factors, including low awareness and a muddied understanding of their benefits,” said Andrea Jacobs, comScore Payments Practice Leader. “This study delves deeply into the mindset of consumers with respect to their potential use of digital wallets, in addition to helping size the market opportunity. The study also provides guidance on how digital wallet providers, marketers, developers and retailers can contribute to growing adoption of this technology.” (more…)

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How Social Media Can Help Grow Your Business

In today’s world, it’s simply not enough to advertise your business using radio and/or newspaper ads. Your online presence is as vital to the continued success of your business as local advertising. Using social media only strengthens your position both online and off.

Using social media as part of your marketing campaign can produce a great deal of interest in your business. As most social media sites are free to utilize, there is very little risk to yourself or the business. The impact social media can have is worth the time to invest in order to expand.

1. Interaction – Those who frequent social media websites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest are able to communicate with others they are following. This gives the consumer the feeling that he or she has a voice in your business. By interacting with those individuals, you are opening your business up to a clientele that feels your business cares about their input. (more…)

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Survey Shows People Need More Help Controlling Personal Info Online

New videos and tips from Microsoft help consumers better manage privacy.

REDMOND, Wash. — Jan. 23, 2013 — To mark Data Privacy Day 2013, Microsoft Corp. released new data reflecting consumers’ perceptions about how their information is used online and a new series of short videos to help people better manage their online privacy.

According to the results of a Microsoft-commissioned survey* of 1,000 U.S. adults, people feel they have little to no control about how their data may be collected by online companies. They are also increasingly in search of trusted sources of information to help them make better choices about their online privacy. Highlights of the research include the following: (more…)

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First Digital Resource Explores 1918 Flu Epidemic

ANN ARBOR — The University of Michigan has established the largest digital collection of materials relating to the 1918 influenza epidemic in the United States.

“The American Influenza Epidemic of 1918: A Digital Encyclopedia,” created by the Center for the History of Medicine in partnership with the U-M Library’s MPublishing, documents 50 diverse communities in the United States during fall 1918 and winter 1919—a period when the effects of influenza caused the deaths of an estimated 650,000 Americans (and 50 million people worldwide). (more…)

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Browser Plug-in Helps People Balance Their Political News Reading Habits

As the U.S. presidential election approaches, many voters become voracious consumers of online political news. A tool by a University of Washington researcher tracks whether all those articles really provide a balanced view of the debate – and, if not, suggests some sites that offer opinions from the other side of the political spectrum.

Balancer, a free plug-in for Google’s Chrome browser, was developed this summer by Sean Munson, a new UW assistant professor of Human Centered Design and Engineering. The tool analyzes a person’s online reading habits for a month and calculates the political bias in that behavior. It then suggests sites that represent a different point of view and continues to monitor reading behavior and offer feedback. (more…)

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