In the past, when someone tipped off the Internet Watch Foundation’s (IWF) criminal content reporting hotline to an online video they thought included child sexual abuse material, an analyst at the U.K. nonprofit often had to watch or fast forward through the entire video to investigate it.(more…)
«Ich will meiner Tochter zeigen, warum die allgegenwärtigen Models mit der Realität nichts zu tun haben», sagt eine Mutter. In knapp 40 Sekunden zeigt dieses Video, wie ein normaler Frauenkörper mit Photoshop in ein unrealistisches, nicht existierendes Schönheits-Vorbild verwandelt wird. *Source: Infosperber
Equipped with high-speed, high-resolution video, scientists have discovered important new information on how marine snail larvae swim, a key behavior that determines individual dispersal and ultimately, survival.
Researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and Stony Brook University grew Atlantic slipper limpet larvae, which are slightly larger than a grain of sand, and recorded microscopic video of them swimming. In previous studies, it has been commonly thought that larvae swim faster when they beat their hair-like cilia faster. However, this new microscopic video and research shows that this is not the case. (more…)
15-Jährige gewinnt Wettbewerb zum Schutz des Ostseeschweinswals
Wussten Sie, dass es in Deutschland Wale gibt? Viele Menschen sind verblüfft, wenn Sie hören, welche außergewöhnlichen Wildtiere direkt vor ihrer Haustür anzutreffen sind. Doch der Ostseeschweinswal ist vom Aussterben bedroht – lediglich 300 sind in der zentralen Ostsee noch zu Hause. Um auf die besorgniserregende Situation der Tiere aufmerksam zu machen, haben der NABU, das Schutzabkommen für Kleinwale in Nord- und Ostsee, Whale and Dolphin Conservation und OceanCare zu einem Kreativwettbewerb aufgerufen. Siegerin des Wettbewerbs wurde Laura Stattkus, die mit ihrem Stop-Motion-Film „Hallo kleiner Wal“ überzeugt: (more…)
Using neurofeedback techniques, Dr. Judson Brewer of Yale says he can teach people to “see” the subjective experience known to meditators as mindfulness. Brewer explains that too often we trip ourselves up when we get caught up in our own thinking. In the video and accompanying research papers, Brewer and colleagues describe how subjects can […]
New videos and tips from Microsoft help consumers better manage privacy.
REDMOND, Wash. — Jan. 23, 2013 — To mark Data Privacy Day 2013, Microsoft Corp. released new data reflecting consumers’ perceptions about how their information is used online and a new series of short videos to help people better manage their online privacy.
According to the results of a Microsoft-commissioned survey* of 1,000 U.S. adults, people feel they have little to no control about how their data may be collected by online companies. They are also increasingly in search of trusted sources of information to help them make better choices about their online privacy. Highlights of the research include the following: (more…)
Breakthroughs will mark the era of cognitive systems when computers will, in their own way, see, smell, touch, taste and hear
ARMONK, N.Y. – 17 Dec 2012: Today IBM unveiled the seventh annual “IBM 5 in 5” (#ibm5in5) – a list of innovations that have the potential to change the way people work, live and interact during the next five years.
The IBM 5 in 5 is based on market and societal trends as well as emerging technologies from IBM’s R&D labs around the world that can make these transformations possible. (more…)
Teaching future educators how to read and write in a new way
Rachel Karchmer-Klein, an associate professor in the University of Delaware’s School of Education, is teaching future educators to read and write multimodal texts, which includes everything from literature on a Kindle or iPad to information on a website.
“With traditional texts we teach students to read left to right, top to bottom, but electronic text is different because it contains multiple modes,” Karchmer-Klein explained. (more…)