Tag Archives: stop

Bacterial “Communication System” Could Be Used to Stop Spreading and Kill Cancer Cells, MU Study Finds

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Cancer, while always dangerous, truly becomes life-threatening when cancer cells begin to spread to different areas throughout the body. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri have discovered that a molecule used as a communication system by bacteria can be manipulated to prevent cancer cells from spreading. Senthil Kumar, an assistant research professor and assistant director of the Comparative Oncology and Epigenetics Laboratory at the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, says this communication system can be used to “tell” cancer cells how to act, or even to die on command. (more…)

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Blocking cells’ movement to stop the spread of cancer

Insights into how cells move through the body could lead to innovative techniques to stop cancer cells from spreading and causing secondary tumours, according to new UCL research.

Scientists discovered that cells can change into an invasive, liquid-like state to readily navigate the narrow channels in our body. This transformation is triggered by chemical signals, which could be blocked in order to stop cancer cells from spreading. (more…)

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Stop-Motion-Film für den Walschutz

15-Jährige gewinnt Wettbewerb zum Schutz des Ostseeschweinswals

Wussten Sie, dass es in Deutschland Wale gibt? Viele Menschen sind verblüfft, wenn Sie hören, welche außergewöhnlichen Wildtiere direkt vor ihrer Haustür anzutreffen sind. Doch der Ostseeschweinswal ist vom Aussterben bedroht – lediglich 300 sind in der zentralen Ostsee noch zu Hause. Um auf die besorgniserregende Situation der Tiere aufmerksam zu machen, haben der NABU, das Schutzabkommen für Kleinwale in Nord- und Ostsee, Whale and Dolphin Conservation und OceanCare zu einem Kreativwettbewerb aufgerufen. Siegerin des Wettbewerbs wurde Laura Stattkus, die mit ihrem Stop-Motion-Film „Hallo kleiner Wal“ überzeugt: (more…)

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Online Safety Call: ‘Stop. Think. Connect.’

*To kick off National Cyber Security Month, Microsoft has joined a large coalition of government agencies, nonprofit organizations and private businesses in crafting a common online safety and security message: ‘Stop. Think. Connect.’*

REDMOND, Wash. — Oct. 4, 2010 — Stop. Think. Connect.

That’s the message behind a major new online safety campaign that kicks off today and advises consumers about how to be safer online. Microsoft joined a large coalition of government agencies, businesses and nonprofit organizations to craft the slogan, which is the first unified public awareness message focused on online safety. The campaign and its accompanying message is being unveiled today during a ceremony at the Seattle Public Library. (more…)

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