Tag Archives: cobalt

Strategie zur Reduktion von Nebenwirkungen in der modernen Krebstherapie

Einem interdisziplinären ForscherInnenteam der Universität Wien (Institut für Anorganische Chemie) und der Medizinischen Universität Wien (Institut für Krebsforschung) ist es gelungen, eine neue Strategie zur Reduktion der oft schweren Nebenwirkungen für eine wichtige Klasse moderner Krebstherapeutika (Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren) zu entwickeln. Der Wirkstoff soll sich möglichst selektiv auf den bösartigen Tumor beschränken.

Das Auftreten von schweren Nebenwirkungen sowie Resistenzentwicklung gehören zu den größten Problemen der modernen Krebstherapie. Auch neueste zielgerichtete Krebsmedikamente, wie z.B. die Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren Tarceva (R) oder Sutent (R) sind von diesen Problemen betroffen, was sogar zum Therapieabbruch führen kann. Die Wirkung dieser Klasse von Inhibitoren beruht auf einer gezielten Hemmung von Proteinen, die in Krebszellen überaktiviert sind und das krankhafte Zellwachstum antreiben. Jedoch stellte sich in der klinischen Praxis heraus, dass, bedingt durch die physiologischen Funktionen dieser Proteine im gesunden Gewebe, die Hemmung zu schweren Nebenwirkungen führen kann. Daher besteht für diese vielversprechenden neuen Therapeutika akuter Bedarf nach Strategien, ihre Wirkung selektiver auf den bösartigen Tumor zu beschränken. (more…)

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Scientists Reveal Quirky Feature of Lyme Disease Bacteria

Unlike most organisms, they don’t need iron, but they crave manganese

Scientists have confirmed that the pathogen that causes Lyme Disease—unlike any other known organism—can exist without iron, a metal that all other life needs to make proteins and enzymes. Instead of iron, the bacteria substitute manganese to make an essential enzyme, thus eluding immune system defenses that protect the body by starving pathogens of iron.

To cause disease, Borrelia burgdorferi requires unusually high levels of manganese, scientists at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), and the University of Texas reported. Their study, published March 22, 2013, in The Journal of Biological Chemistry, may explain some mysteries about why Lyme Disease is slow-growing and hard to detect and treat. The findings also open the door to search for new therapies to thwart the bacterium by targeting manganese. (more…)

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MSU Chemists Become The First To Support an 84-Year-Old Theory

EAST LANSING, Mich. — The same principle that causes figure skaters to spin faster as they draw their arms into their bodies has now been used by Michigan State University researchers to understand how molecules move energy around following the absorption of light.

Conservation of angular momentum is a fundamental property of nature, one that astronomers use to detect the presence of satellites circling distant planets. In 1927, it was proposed that this principle should apply to chemical reactions, but a clear demonstration has never been achieved. (more…)

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Walnuts: Its Amazing Health Benefits

Health benefits of walnuts have been known since time immemorial. Hippocrates and Avicenna mentioned them in the treatment of various diseases. In addition, the ancients thought that they stimulate mental activity. Anna Protsenko, a nutritionist, told MedPulse.ru.  

Walnuts contain a great deal of minerals,” the expert explains. “They include iron, copper, cobalt, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iodine. Many of them are antioxidants.


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Afghanistan’s Natural Wealth Evaluated at $1 Trillion

In Afghanistan, American geologists have discovered deposits of iron, copper, lithium, cobalt, and gold worth $1 trillion.  

Experts believe that these reserves may not only stop the poverty in one of the poorest countries in the world, but turn Afghanistan in a flourishing country and one of the largest centers of natural resources excavation.


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