Tag Archives: Media

Decriminalizing prostitution linked to fewer STDs and rapes

A recently released study found some positive effects in Rhode Island after the state accidentally made prostitution legal for seven years

When the Rhode Island legislature inadvertently decriminalized indoor prostitution in the state from 2003 to 2009, it proved beneficial to UCLA public policy professor Manisha Shah. (more…)

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Chute goes ‘Outside the Box’ in new book on contemporary comics

Since joining the University of Chicago faculty in 2010, Hillary Chute quickly established herself as the campus’ resident comics expert. In addition to co-teaching a course on comics and autobiography with famed cartoonist Alison Bechdel, Chute organized a conference through the Richard and Mary L. Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry, which brought together the world’s leading cartoonists for three days of public conversation. The events of that conference are documented in a special issue of the journal Critical Inquiry, which Chute co-edited with colleague Patrick Jagoda, assistant professor in English Language and Literature and the College. (more…)

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Behind the paywall: How media can boost online revenue

ANN ARBOR — It’s an ongoing debate for online publications: How much content should be free and how much should go behind a paywall?

Make the price for content too high and watch customers disappear and ad revenue decline. Give away too much and you could miss out on subscriber revenue. (more…)

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Durchbruch an den Max F. Perutz Laboratories: Neue Analysemethode für Platynereis als Genetics-Highlight im Mai

ForscherInnen an den Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) der Universität Wien und der Medizinischen Universität Wien ist ein Durchbruch für das Platynereis-Modellsystem gelungen: Zum ersten Mal beschreiben sie eine Methode, mit der spezifische und vererbbare Mutationen in dieser Spezies erzeugt werden können. Damit rückt dieser marine Wurm in eine exzellente Position, um die Forschung in den Bereichen Neurobiologie, Chronobiologie, evolutionäre Entwicklungsbiologie und Meeresbiologie voranzutreiben. Die Studie sowie ein Überblicksartikel zu den genetischen Methoden, die für Platynereis dumerilii zur Verfügung stehen, sind nicht nur Mai-Highlights des renommierten Fachjournals Genetics, ihnen wurde auch das Titelbild der aktuellen Ausgabe gewidmet.

Auf molekularer Ebene wissen wir von vielen faszinierenden biologischen Phänomenen noch viel zu wenig. Der unscheinbare marine Borstenwurm Platynereis dumerilii stellt für die Erforschung dieser Phänomene einen interessanten Modellorganismus dar: Evolutionär gesehen entwickelte er sich sehr langsam und ist so bestens geeignet, um Vorläufergene und Zelltypen zu analysieren. Er besitzt ein Hormonsystem, das mit jenem der Wirbeltiere vergleichbar ist und er kann große Teile seines Körpers regenerieren. Zudem wird seine Fortpflanzungszeit durch mehrere Uhren gesteuert – ein Merkmal, das wahrscheinlich auch viele andere Organismen aufweisen. Diese Charakteristika machen den Borstenwurm ideal für die Evolutionsforschung, die Chronobiologie und für viele weitere Forschungsgebiete. Da es jedoch bislang keine geeigneten molekularbiologischen Werkzeuge gab, war es sehr schwierig, die Funktionen der Platynereis-Gene in vivo zu analysieren. (more…)

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New report co-authored by International Human Rights Program says murderous violence against journalists in Honduras is on the rise

TORONTO, ON Co-authored with PEN Canada and PEN International, report calls for Honduran government to end lethal violence against journalists and its climate of impunity, and for donor states such as the UK and Canada to work with Honduras on these issues

Journalists who cover organized crime, government corruption and other sensitive issues are increasingly facing threats and lethal attacks in Honduras, with almost complete impunity for perpetrators, said PEN International in a new report released today in partnership with PEN Canada and the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. (more…)

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Vampires & Shades of Grey: How Media Shapes Who We Are

Don’t think media shapes how you behave? Think again, says Hope Schau, a UA associate professor of marketing.

Are you a Homer Simpson or a Dexter? How about a Clair Huxtable or a Carrie Bradshaw? Chances are you don’t think of yourself as a doughnut-loving oaf, a brilliant serial killer, an unflappable power-mom/lawyer nor a lovelorn fashionista.

But when you watch these characters on television, your brain is doing something you may not even realize, says University of Arizona associate professor of marketing Hope Jensen Schau: figuring out who you are. (more…)

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When danger is in the eye of the beholder

UCLA anthropologists study how, why we read into potential peril

They went boating alone without life vests and gave no thought to shimmying up very tall coconut trees.

And although they were only figments of a writer’s imagination, the fictional adventurers helped provide new insight into how humans, especially men, gauge the threat of a potential adversary. Those reading the stories — dozens of residents of a small village on the Fijian island of Yasawa — judged the characters to be risk-seekers.  (more…)

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