Tag Archives: laptop

A complete waste of energy

Utah engineers develop process for electronic devices that stops wasteful power leakage

According to the National Resource Defense Council, Americans waste up to $19 billion annually in electricity costs due to “vampire appliances,” always-on digital devices in the home that suck power even when they are turned off. (more…)

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Wiederverwendung von Elektrogeräten in Gefahr

Umfrage zeigt: Reparaturfreundlichkeit und Verbraucheraufklärung sind gefragt

Die Novellierung des ElektroG rückt in die entscheidende Phase. Noch gibt es die Möglichkeit, die Wiederverwendungs- und Recyclingpotentiale im Elektroaltgerätebereich mit dem Gesetz voll auszuschöpfen. Dafür bedarf es aber des politischen Willens des Gesetzgebers. (more…)

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Email vom Chef: Tagebuch-Studie misst berufliche Nutzung von Smartphone und Laptop am Feierabend

Ein großer Anteil der „Wissensarbeiter“ unterbricht den Feierabend gelegentlich oder häufig für den Arbeitgeber. Darauf deuten die Ergebnisse einer sogenannten Tagebuch-Studie der Universität Kassel hin. Demnach nutzen rund zwei Drittel der geistig tätigen Beschäftigten manchmal, häufig oder immer auch abends Internet oder Smartphone, um berufliche Emails abzurufen oder Gespräche zu führen. Viele Personen bewerten es zwar positiv, am Abend erreichbar zu sein – doch auch sie erholen sich dadurch tendenziell schlechter, so die Ergebnisse.

Für die Studie befragten Prof. Dr. Sandra Ohly, Leiterin des Fachgebiets Wirtschaftspsychologie der Universität Kassel, und ihr Team 138 Wissensarbeiterinnen und Wissensarbeiter, also Beschäftigte, die geistig arbeiten. Sie sind in verschiedenen Unternehmen bundesweit tätig. Teil der Untersuchung, die im Sommer 2014 durchgeführt wurde, war ein Tagebuch. Darin hielten die Befragten eine Woche lang morgens, nach der Arbeit und am Abend fest, wie sie Internet und Mobilfunk für berufliche Zwecke nutzten. Außerdem machten sie u.a. Angaben über ihr Wohlbefinden. Nach diesen Ergebnissen verbrachten die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Studie am Feierabend im Schnitt 26 Minuten damit, berufliche Mails zu bearbeiten oder berufliche Anrufe entgegen zu nehmen. Betrachtet man nur diejenigen Tage, an denen der Feierabend überhaupt unterbrochen wurde, waren es sogar 46 Minuten.   (more…)

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comScore Releases the “2013 Future in Focus – Digitales Deutschland” Report

One in Five iPhone Users Made a Purchase With Their Smartphone in December 2012

Frankfurt, Germany, March 14, 2013 – comScore, Inc., a global leader in digital measurement and analytics, today released the 2013 Future in Focus – Digitales Deutschland report on the latest digital trends in Germany. The report is written in German and outlines prevailing trends in digital behaviour, mobile, online video, search, online advertising, including a special review of social, retail and women on the web.

To view the full press release in German and to download a complimentary copy of the “2013 Future in Focus – Digitales Deutschland” report, please visit: https://www.comscore.com/ger/Insights/Press_Releases/2013/3/Future_in_Focus_Digitales_Deutschland (more…)

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Buying ad time just got easier

Today’s consumers switch between media forms so often – from TV to laptops to smart phones – that capturing their attention with advertising has gone, as one CEO explained, from shooting fish in a barrel to shooting minnows. (more…)

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Top 5 Advantages of Sixth Sense Technology

Sixth Sense Technology is made up of several parts like pocket projector, camera, and mirror. All these are connected together to one mobile computer device. The device made from Sixth Sense Technology is extremely portable and can be worn around the neck. There are several benefits of Sixth Sense Technology. Let’s have a look at the top 5.

Number 1:

Sixth Sense features a certain user guide that is extremely simple to use. There are several important gestures that people can easily learn without even going through rigorous tutorials. These gestures include taking a photo, or making a call over phone, or even trying to check out the time.To take a photo snap, the user need to simply make a hand gesture in the air that feels like a rectangle. With this simple gesture, the picture will get snapped. Yes, this is what Sixth Sense Technology is all about. The snapped picture will be stored carefully in the device’s memory card. User will always have direct access to the picture whenever he/she wants to edit it. The user can easily resize the image and carry out editing simply with the help of some finger motions over the projected screen. (more…)

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Three Easy Ways to Solve USB Troubles

One of the things that made digital technology evolving is the fact that the quality of videos and images are continuously improving through the years. With this, you need to have the best space to accommodate such changes. People all over the world can’t get stuck with a small space on their computer and for this reason, external memory for backup was made. Floppy discs are already a thing of the past. Now, flash drives and other compact but efficient devices have replaced these things.

USB is now the most modern way to transfer data and even to install new hardware. From your mouse to your keyboard, all of these things are now connected to the PC or laptop in this way. USB stands for universal serial bus. This device allowed almost every person to transfer their data or to connect hardware easily without thinking whether or not it would fit into a port. (more…)

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Editor’s Picks: Turning Futuristic Visions into Reality

*As we begin the New Year, a look at some of the stories of futuristic scenarios brought to life in 2011, plus developments that promise dramatic improvements in the near future.*

REDMOND, Wash. – Jan. 3, 2012 – From revolutionizing the way we interact with computers to developing tools to speed development of cures for crippling diseases, 2011 was a year of forward-thinking breakthroughs at Microsoft. See some of the innovations introduced in 2011 and how Microsoft is working to take new technologies from the lab to the living room. (more…)

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