Tag Archives: michigan state university

Seeing triple: New 3-D model could solve supernova mystery

Giant stars die a violent death. After a life of several million years, they collapse into themselves and then explode in what is known as a supernova.

How these stars explode remains a mystery. However, recent work led by Michigan State University may bring some answers to this astronomical question. (more…)

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We’re not alone – but the universe may be less crowded than we think

There may be far fewer galaxies further out in the universe then might be expected, according to a new study led by Michigan State University.

Over the years, the Hubble Space Telescope has allowed astronomers to look deep into the universe. The long view stirred theories of untold thousands of distant, faint galaxies. The new research, appearing in the current issue of the Astrophysical Journal Letters, however, offers a theory that reduces the estimated number of the most distant galaxies by 10 to 100 times. (more…)

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New book aims to clear up ‘hookup culture’ confusion

As students return to campus post-holiday break, a Michigan State University professor has released an e-book she hopes will demystify the “hookup culture” that often accompanies the college social scene. (more…)

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Do financial experts make better investments?

Financial experts do not make higher returns on their own investments than untrained investors, according to research by a Michigan State University business scholar.

The first-of-its-kind study analyzed the private portfolios of mutual fund managers and found the managers were surprisingly unsuccessful at outperforming nonprofessional investors. The findings suggest average investors might be better served to handle their own portfolios rather than pay the often-high fees charged by mutual fund managers, said Andrei Simonov, associate professor of finance. (more…)

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Boosting armor for nuclear-waste eating microbes

A microbe developed to clean up nuclear waste and patented by a Michigan State University researcher has just been improved.

In earlier research, Gemma Reguera, MSU microbiologist, identified that Geobacter bacteria’s tiny conductive hair-like appendages, or pili, did the yeoman’s share of remediation. By increasing the strength of the pili nanowires, she improved their ability to clean up uranium and other toxic wastes. (more…)

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Becoming an expert takes more than practice

Practice doesn’t make it perfect.

Deliberate practice may have less influence in building expertise than previously thought, according to an analysis by researchers at Princeton University, Michigan State University and Rice University. (more…)

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Evolutionary compromises drive diversity

EAST LANSING, Mich. – To paraphrase the Rolling Stones: We can’t always get everything we want in life, but we get what we need. Michigan State University researchers believe this is a powerful principle in evolution as well. Trade-offs, which are evolutionary compromises, drive the diversity of life, said Chris Adami, MSU professor of microbiology and molecular genetics. (more…)

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Alum is innovator

UD alum leads Michigan State research team in development of solar concentrator

A team of researchers at Michigan State University, which is being led by a University of Delaware alumnus, has developed a new type of solar concentrator that when placed over a window creates solar energy while allowing people to actually see through the window.

It is called a transparent luminescent solar concentrator and can be used on buildings, cell phones and any other device that has a clear surface. (more…)

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