Tag Archives: stress

Musikhören hilft gegen Stress und körperliche Beschwerden

Vor allem fröhliche Musik hat positive Effekte

Das Hören von Musik im Alltag kann stressreduzierend wirken und körperliche Symptome lindern. Das zeigen Psycholog*innen der Universität Wien in einer aktuellen Studie in “Scientific Reports”. Personen mit chronischen körperlichen Leiden beantworteten dazu regelmäßig Fragen zum subjektiven Befinden und zu ihrem Musikhörverhalten. Parallel dazu wurden biologische Indikatoren für Stress im Speichel erhoben, um mögliche psychobiologische Mechanismen zu erforschen, die diesen positiven Effekten zugrunde liegen. Auch die Art der Musik spielte dabei eine Rolle. (more…)

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How to Decrease Social Media Related Stress

As fun as social media can be, it can have some pretty harmful effects. It can be stressful, anxiety-inducing, FOMO-inducing, and depression-inducing. It makes you wonder why we even still have it. However, like all things, social media can still be enjoyed in moderation. If it’s giving you a hard time, then there are things you can do about it to make your experience more enjoyable. Here are some ways to decrease social media-related stress. (more…)

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Neu­artiges Protein schützt Strand­schnecke vor Stress

Strandschnecken der Art Littorina littorea verfügen über eine besonders effiziente Wehrkraft gegen bestimmte Stressfaktoren in ihrem Lebensraum. Gegen Schwermetallbelastungen wappnen sie sich durch ein Entgiftungsprotein. Die dreidimensionale Struktur dieses Biomoleküls wurde jetzt von der Gruppe von Oliver Zerbe in Zusammenarbeit mit Reinhard Dallinger aufgeklärt. (more…)

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Stress flips cocaine relapse to ‘on’; research switches it back to ‘off’

Even a single, brief stress can induce days of relapse to cocaine-seeking among rats, but a new study shows how the tendency to relapse persists and how to shut it down, suggesting a new pathway for developing addiction treatment medications. (more…)

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Disturbing Behavior: A Look At The Links Between Addiction And Suicide

Addiction to drugs or alcohol can have many devastating effects–not just on the lives of the user, but for their families and friends as well. Not only does addiction damage relationships, jobs, education prospects, and self-esteem, it can have irreparable effects on the body and mind. Worse, alarming studies over the past several years have shown that people who are addicted to substances also have the weight of death by suicide hanging over their heads.

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Decriminalizing prostitution linked to fewer STDs and rapes

A recently released study found some positive effects in Rhode Island after the state accidentally made prostitution legal for seven years

When the Rhode Island legislature inadvertently decriminalized indoor prostitution in the state from 2003 to 2009, it proved beneficial to UCLA public policy professor Manisha Shah. (more…)

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Macht die Traubensilberkerze müde?

Neue Erkenntnisse zu pflanzlichen Präparaten zur Behandlung menopausaler Beschwerden

Die hormonelle Umstellung in den Wechseljahren führt oft zu postmenopausalen Beschwerden, die gerne alternativ zu konventionellen Therapien mit Präparaten der Traubensilberkerze (Actaea racemosa L.) behandelt werden. Einem ForscherInnenteam um Sophia Khom vom Department für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie der Universität Wien ist nun ein wesentlicher Schritt zur Aufklärung der möglichen Wirkmechanismen der Traubensilberkerze gelungen. Die neuen Erkenntnisse wurden kürzlich in der renommierten Fachzeitschrift “Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics” veröffentlicht. (more…)

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Simply being called ‘fat’ makes young girls more likely to become obese

Trying to be thin is like trying to be tall, say UCLA psychologists

Girls who are told by a parent, sibling, friend, classmate or teacher that they are too fat at age 10 are more likely to be obese at age 19, a new study by UCLA psychologists shows.

The study looked at 1,213 African-American girls and 1,166 white girls living in Northern California, Cincinnati and Washington, D.C., 58 percent of whom had been told they were too fat at age 10. All the girls had their height and weight measured at the beginning of the study and again after nine years. (more…)

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