Tag Archives: silvia pineda munoz

Dissecting the animal diet, past and present

Researchers at Yale and the Smithsonian Institution say it’s time to settle a very old food fight.

In a study published March 18 in the journal Ecology and Evolution, authors Matt Davis and Silvia Pineda-Munoz argue that scientists need to focus as much on “when” animals eat as they do “what” animals eat. Without the proper time context, they say, an animal’s diet can tell very different stories. (more…)

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Simply being called ‘fat’ makes young girls more likely to become obese

Trying to be thin is like trying to be tall, say UCLA psychologists

Girls who are told by a parent, sibling, friend, classmate or teacher that they are too fat at age 10 are more likely to be obese at age 19, a new study by UCLA psychologists shows.

The study looked at 1,213 African-American girls and 1,166 white girls living in Northern California, Cincinnati and Washington, D.C., 58 percent of whom had been told they were too fat at age 10. All the girls had their height and weight measured at the beginning of the study and again after nine years. (more…)

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