Tag Archives: suicide

Disturbing Behavior: A Look At The Links Between Addiction And Suicide

Addiction to drugs or alcohol can have many devastating effects–not just on the lives of the user, but for their families and friends as well. Not only does addiction damage relationships, jobs, education prospects, and self-esteem, it can have irreparable effects on the body and mind. Worse, alarming studies over the past several years have shown that people who are addicted to substances also have the weight of death by suicide hanging over their heads.

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Quiet ‘epidemic’ of drugs, alcohol and suicide has killed half a million middle-aged white Americans

Despite advances in health care and quality of life, white middle-aged Americans have seen overall mortality rates increase over the past 15 years, representing an overlooked “epidemic” with deaths comparable to the number of Americans who have died of AIDS, according to new Princeton University research.  (more…)

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New Insights into the ‘Borderline Personality’ Brain

TORONTO, ON — New work by University of Toronto Scarborough researchers gives the best description yet of the neural circuits that underlie a severe mental illness called Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and could lead to better treatments and diagnosis.

The work shows that brain regions that process negative emotions (for example, anger and sadness) are overactive in people with BPD, while brain regions that would normally help damp down negative emotions are underactive. (more…)

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Financial Crisis to Blame for Increased Suicides in Italy

ANN ARBOR, Mich.— The global financial crisis has contributed to an increase in the rates of suicide and attempted suicide for economic reasons in Italy, new research shows.

A team of researchers, co-led by Roberto De Vogli, associate professor of health behavior and health education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health,

looked at data from 2000-10 and found an increase in suicides and attempted suicides for economic reasons during the entire period. (more…)

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Parental Divorce Linked to Suicidal Thoughts

Adult children of divorce are more likely to have seriously considered suicide than their peers from intact families, suggests new research from the University of Toronto.

In a paper published online this week in the journal Psychiatry Research, investigators examined gender specific differences among a sample of 6,647 adults, of whom 695 had experienced parental divorce before the age of 18. The study found that men from divorced families had more than three times the odds of suicidal ideation in comparison with men whose parents had not divorced. Adult daughters of divorce had 83 per cent higher odds of suicidal ideation than their female peers who had not experienced parental divorce. (more…)

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Dealt a Bad Hand: Pathological Gamblers Are Also at Risk for Mental Health Disorders

Richard Boyer. Image credit : University of Montreal

Pathological gamblers are risking more than their money, they are also three times more likely to commit suicide than non-betters. A  new Montreal inter-university study has shown these gamblers are also plagued by personality disorders. These findings, published in a recent issue of the Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, may have implications for developing improved targeted suicide prevention programs. 

“The World Health Organization estimates that suicide is one of the top ten causes of death in the Western world,” says study co-author, Richard Boyer a Université de Montréal professor and researcher at the Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin at the Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital. “In addition, pathological gamblers account for five percent of all suicides. These staggering statistics motivated us to study the difference between gamblers and non-gamblers.”  (more…)

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