Kaitlin Sidorsky, who received her Ph.D. in political science at the 247th Commencement, did the first national survey that included appointments to state boards and commissions as well as elected office. Many female respondents said appointed office lets them accomplish more without the overhead of fundraising, campaigning, and media presence.(more…)
Die Wiederwahl Barack Obamas hing an einem dünnen Faden. Ein Buch beschreibt, wie der US-Präsident seine Selbstzweifel überwand.
Denver, 3. Oktober 2012. Das erste TV-Duell zwischen Barack Obama und dem republikanischen Herausforderer Mitt Romney ist vorbei. Romney eilt von der Bühne in die Garderobe und wird von seinem Team jubelnd empfangen. Seine Frau Ann umarmt ihn, Sohn Tagg ruft begeistert: «Dad, Du hast ihn vernichtet!» Was war geschehen?
Romney hatte neunzig Minuten lang die Bühne dominiert. Er trat eloquent, freundlich und doch hartnäckig auf, bestimmt und doch humorvoll – wie ein Präsident. Obamas Lager dagegen musste konsterniert zusehen, wie ihr Mann völlig neben den Schuhen stand. Er wirkte abwesend und schläfrig, kritzelte Notizen auf Zettel und starrte auf das Pult vor sich hin. Keine Spur von Verve und Leidenschaft. (more…)
Political opinions can influence how people perceive a candidate’s facial characteristics
COLUMBUS, Ohio – A new study suggests that political bias can influence how people perceive the facial characteristics of a presidential candidate – even after seeing his face on TV thousands of times.
The study of Ohioans immediately before and after the 2012 presidential election showed that people’s mental representation of Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s face differed based on their political persuasion. (more…)
Der Zürcher SVP-Nationalrat Hans Kaufmann wünscht sich auch für Europa eine Tea-Party: keine sehr demokratiekompatible Vision.
Spätestens im Januar 2014, wenn sich in den USA das finanzpolitische Gezerre wiederholen wird und die Vereinigten Staaten erneut über die Fiskalklippe zu stürzen drohen, wird sie wieder weltweit die Schlagzeilen beherrschen: die amerikanische Tea-Party, jene extremistische Gruppierung innerhalb der Republikanischen Partei, für die jeglicher Kompromiss des Teufels ist. Mindestens einen prominenten Bewunderer hat diese Bewegung auch in der Schweiz: den Zürcher SVP-Nationalrat Hans Kaufmann. Er findet, «es wäre an der Zeit, dass auch in der EU endlich eine Tea-Party-Bewegung einsetzt», und zwar wegen der wachsenden Staatsschulden. Sie sei nicht etwa «eine hirnlose Bewegung, sondern sie vertritt vor allem wirtschaftspolitische Anliegen, die der politischen Linken missfallen», schreibt Kaufmann in einem Gastkommentar von «Journal 21» (Link siehe unten). (more…)
The wide swings in debate performances by this year’s presidential candidates reflect the fact that in modern campaigns, a candidate’s image is the message, according to linguistic anthropologists who have studied presidential campaigns.
Candidates send important messages to voters through even their smallest gestures, the researchers say. For example, in this year’s first debate, President Barack Obama often looked down at the podium and was criticized for appearing disengaged. In subsequent debates Obama directly addressed his Republican opponent, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and increased the use of a hammering hand gesture sometimes called the “power grip.” (more…)
Kate Kenski, an associate professor in the UA communication department, is studying the 2012 election using talking points, Twitter feeds and also jokes.
Election season is to politics-watchers as tax season is to accountants. There are polls to follow, debates to dissect and political ads to analyze.
For Kate Kenski, an associate professor in the University of Arizona communication department and School of Government and Public Policy, election season provides a wealth of data that she analyzes to write and teach about public opinion and political communication.
For the 2012 election, Kenski is keeping a keen eye on whether the frequent explanations for wins and losses in previous campaigns hold true for this campaign. Will the economy be the determining factor? Or will candidate personality or message strategy tip the campaign in one candidate’s direction over the other’s? (more…)
A new Brown University poll of Rhode Island voters finds strong support for state-operated casino gaming at Twin River and Newport Grand. In the hotly contested Congressional District One race, Rep. David Cicilline retains a small lead. The survey, conducted Sept. 26 to Oct. 5 2012, is based on a sample of 496 registered voters in Rhode Island.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — A new public opinion survey by Brown University researchers finds that Rhode Island voters appear poised to approve questions one and two on the state ballot, which would allow casino gaming in Lincoln and Newport. Despite an approval rating of just 29.7 percent, Rep. David Cicilline appears to have an edge over Republican challenger Brendan Doherty among voters in 1st Congressional District.
Researchers at the A. Alfred Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions and the John Hazen White Public Opinion Laboratory at Brown University surveyed a random sample of 496 Rhode Island voters from Sept. 26 to Oct. 5, 2012. The poll has an overall margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percent. (more…)
An online study of eligible voters around the country revealed that preferences for whites over blacks among the least politically-partisan voters are strong enough to have substantial impact on their presidential candidate preference.
Among these voters, race biases against Barack Obama could produce as much as a 20 percent gap in the popular vote in a contest that would otherwise be equal. (more…)