Tag Archives: istanbul

Yale historian Jay Winter: War is a Pandora’s Box

Jay Winter, the Charles J. Stille Professor of History and editor of the recently published three-volume “Cambridge History of the First World War,” recently spoke to YaleNews about how WWI has impacted the 20th century, what lessons can be learned from the conflict, and the emergence of a global history of the so-called “Great War.” The following is an edited version of that conversation.

One of your areas of study is the remembrance of war in the 20th century, such as memorial and mourning sites. What led you to study this topic?

My mother’s family was wiped out in the Holocaust, and its shadow haunted my childhood. Writing about mourning practices in the aftermath of the First World War was an indirect way of confronting indirectly part of my childhood. (more…)

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Weltkulturerbe durch Klimawandel bedroht

Von der Freiheitsstatue in New York über den Tower of London bis hin zum Opernhaus in Sydney – vom Anstieg des Meeresspiegels sind nicht nur Siedlungsräume großer Teile der Weltbevölkerung an den Küsten betroffen, sondern auch zahlreiche Stätten des UNESCO Weltkulturerbes. Das zeigt eine aktuelle Studie von Ben Marzeion von der Universität Innsbruck und Anders Levermann vom Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung. (more…)

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Greenpeace-Aktivisten protestieren bundesweit für Freiheit ihrer inhaftierten Kollegen in Russland

30 Umweltschützern drohen bis zu 15 Jahre Haft

Hamburg, 4. 10. 2013 – In 30 Städten protestieren am morgigen Samstag Greenpeace-Aktivisten für die Freilassung ihrer in Russland inhaftierten Kollegen. Die 28 Aktivisten und zwei Journalisten befinden sich in russischer Untersuchungshaft und sind von einem Gericht in Murmansk wegen bandenmäßiger Piraterie angeklagt. Bei einer Verurteilung drohen ihnen bis zu 15 Jahre Haft.

Die Umweltschützer hatten gegen Ölbohrungen des russischen Ölkonzerns Gazprom in der Arktis protestiert. Einen Tag danach war das Greenpeace-Aktionsschiff „Arctic Sunrise“ von der Küstenwache in internationalen Gewässern geentert und nach Murmansk geschleppt worden. (more…)

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Turkey Has Third Most Engaged Online Audience in Europe

*Mike Read to Speak at Webrazzi on 19 October About ‘Turkey in the Global Internet and the Future of Online Measurement’*

LONDON, UK, 18 October 2011 – comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released an overview of internet usage in Europe and Turkey, showing that of Europe’s 372 million unique visitors, Turkey accounts for 23.1 million unique visitors during August 2011. The United Kingdom showed the highest engagement with users spending an average of nearly 35 hours online in the past month, up 1.5 hours from the previous month. The Netherlands ranked second (32.8 hours per month), closely followed by Turkey, where the average internet user spent 32.7 hours online consuming 3,706 pages per month, the highest consumption amongst all countries reported. (more…)

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New Website Highlights Musical Groups’ Summer European Tours

Music lovers vacationing or living in Europe this summer won’t have to wait to come back to campus for some Yale-made music; they can just drop by one of the many concerts being presented by Yale groups touring the region.

Each summer, musical groups from Yale travel the world to share their passion for music. A new website, “Yale Music in Europe, Summer 2011,” tracks the whereabouts of eight of these troupes: Yale Schola Cantorum, Redhot & Blue, Yale Glee Club, Whim ‘n Rhythm, Yale Alumni Chorus, Whiffenpoofs, The Spizziwinks(?) and Yale Baroque Ensemble. (more…)

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Byzantine Photo Exhibit Opens at Kelsey Museum of Archeology

DATES: Oct. 1, 2010-Jan. 23, 2011 and Feb. 4-May 29, 2011.

EVENT: “Vaults of Heaven: Visions of Byzantium” features a two-part series of ultra-large-scale photographs, many over six feet tall, by Turkish photographer Ahmet Ertug. (more…)

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