Tag Archives: yoga

Keep Your Spirit Up and Stress Level Down for the Holidays

When the holidays descend upon us, we find ourselves simultaneously excited and bracing for the stress that is rushing toward us. As children, we only had to look forward to all the magic and festivities that awaited. As adults, we have become the facilitators of all of those festivities, working too hard to get them right. (more…)

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3 Options for Coping with Social Anxiety

Social anxiety can be a crippling disability to live with. It can interfere with your ability to make friends, find romantic connections, and even leave your home. Learning to cope properly is important because many people resort to self-medication, which leads to addiction. Healthy ways to manage anxiety come in many forms, and each person needs to find what works for them. With that in mind, we share a few options for people to cope with social anxiety in healthy ways. (more…)

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Giving refuge, advancing research

Yale Stress Center head promotes healing of the body, mind, and brain

Rajita Sinha, Ph.D., says that the emotional expressiveness of the Indian classical dance studies of her youth laid the foundation for a lifelong interest in the brain-body tango that regulates mood and behavior. As an undergraduate in her native Delhi, she studied biopsychology, conducting research on the effects of marijuana and working at a counseling center. For her graduate work at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, she studied how emotion is manifested physiologically, a thread that she has carried through her subsequent work on the brain-altering effects of drugs and alcohol.

Throughout, Sinha has observed and studied how people cope with stress and with wanting—“The abundance of choices available in the world, and easy access to commodities, including drugs, challenges the body’s motivational systems in novel ways,” she says. (more…)

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7 easy and practical ways to recharge your sex life

So you have been with the love of your life for a few years now and things really cannot get any better for you in terms of your relationship. But even the most loving of all couples go through a phase where they find themselves having lesser and lesser sex. Since a healthy sex life is the key to happiness in a romantic relationship, such a situation warrants immediate attention. However, instead of reaching for the magic blue pill, you should try these holistic, easy and practical ways instead.

1. Take a yoga class together

Yoga may look like hard work but it is actually one of the best known types of workout for couples who want to rekindle the romance. The slow pace, the emphasis on breathing and the stretching, all help calm the mind and body down which is necessary to allow couples to unburden their mind of their daily worries and focus on building intimacy. Since the workout won’t be rigorous, you’d still have enough energy for a hookup while the limberness provided by the stretching will help you experiment as well. (more…)

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Yoga: How true it reduces heart disease risk

The most common form of heart disease affecting humans is the Coronary Artery Disease. The disease portrays acute build-up of cholesterol in the layers of the arteries constituting the heart. The blockage induces a phenomenal slowed down blood circulation. The left auricle functions in generating the signals dubbed as heart beats. As a result of the incrementing inadvertent blockage the muscles keep panting due to the lack of supply of blood to the muscles. Since the blood supply to the muscles are snapped to an instance, the muscles are forced to reciprocate to the bodily functions. The plaques present in the arterial walls of all humans suffice huge pressure in the process which may lead to weakening and thereby a crack in the arterial wall. Again this may concur with unforeseen blood clot in the region. This compromising blood clot, topped with blockage sustaining in the arteries lead to the preponderances of heart attacks. (more…)

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Meditation Reduces Loneliness

UCLA study also finds that mindfulness technique benefits immune system

Many elderly people spend their last years alone. Spouses pass and children scatter. But being lonely is much more than a silent house and a lack of companionship. Over time, loneliness not only takes a toll on the psyche but can have a serious physical impact as well.

Feeling lonely has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and even premature death. Developing effective treatments to reduce loneliness in older adults is essential, but previous treatment efforts have had limited success. (more…)

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