Tag Archives: Venezuela

Laubfrosch ist vielfältiger als gedacht

Ein internationales Forscherteam hat unter Beteiligung von drei Wissenschaftlern des Senckenberg Forschungsinstitutes in Frankfurt und Dresden den weitverbreiteten südamerikanischen Laubfrosch Dendropsophus minutus unter die Lupe genommen. Sie fanden dabei eine versteckte genetische Vielfalt, die sehr wahrscheinlich auch viele neue, bisher unbeschriebene Arten enthält. Darüber hinaus konnten sie den Ursprung der kleinen Amphibien klären. Die Studie ist kürzlich im Fachjournal PLoS ONE erschienen.

Südamerika gilt als Biodiversitäts-Hotspot und in der artenreichen Region findet man auch weltweit die meisten Froscharten. Unter ihnen ist auch der südamerikanische Laubfrosch Dendropsophus minutus, dessen Lebensraum sich von der Karibikinsel Tobago und Venezuela im Norden über Französisch-Guyana, Kolumbien, Ecuador, Bolivien, Peru, Paraguay und ganz Brasilien bis nach Argentinien im Süden erstreckt. (more…)

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Exercise reorganizes the brain to be more resilient to stress

Physical activity reorganizes the brain so that its response to stress is reduced and anxiety is less likely to interfere with normal brain function, according to a research team based at Princeton University.

The researchers report in the Journal of Neuroscience that when mice allowed to exercise regularly experienced a stressor — exposure to cold water — their brains exhibited a spike in the activity of neurons that shut off excitement in the ventral hippocampus, a brain region shown to regulate anxiety. (more…)

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Latin America’s Social Networking Market Sees 88 Percent Gain in Engagement in the Past Year

*Increase in Time Spent on Facebook Accounts for 90 Percent of Increase in Total Time Spent Online in Latin America*

comScore Releases Report, “The Rise of Social Networking in Latin America”

Santiago, Chile, September 20, 2011 – comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released the report The Rise of Social Networking in Latin America. The report examines the state of Latin America’s dynamic social networking landscape, providing insights into trends at a global, regional and individual market level. The 35-page analysis also reveals how social media has shaped the larger digital environment through its influence on other social web activities and its role in the dissemination of marketing messages.

“Social networking has become an essential part of consumers’ digital lives over the past several years,” said Alejandro Fosk, comScore senior vice president for Latin America. “As it has become more widely adopted throughout the region and across demographic segments, it has redefined the way consumers interact with content and with each other. Social media is also changing the way marketing messages are disseminated and offers a new channel to engage with current and potential customers, which presents a variety of attractive opportunities for brands to effectively integrate social into their digital strategies.” (more…)

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Latin America’s Internet Population Grows 15 Percent in Past Year to 112 Million People

*Venezuela and Colombia Web Populations Experience Highest Growth, Brazil Home to Most Engaged Users* 

*comScore Presents Complimentary Webinar “The 2010 Digital Year in Review: Latin America”*  

Santiago, Chile, March 18, 2011 – comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released the latest results from a study of the growth in the Internet audience in Latin America based on data from its comScore Media Metrix service. The study found that in the past year the Internet population in Latin America has increased 15 percent to 112.7 million visitors as the region’s digital ecosystem continued to grow and develop. The results of the study will be presented along with other key online trends via a complimentary, live webinar 2010 Digital Year in Review Latin America on Tuesday, March 22. For more information and to register, please visit: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/255678857 Note: Webinar will be presented in Spanish.  (more…)

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Trojan Horse for Russian Defense Industry

Russia has finally decided to purchase two Mistral helicopter carriers from France in the total amount of 1.37 billion euros. It is not the first time when Russia concludes defense deals with France. However, the Mistral deal is the largest one in Russia’s recent history when Russia purchased military hardware from a foreign state. (more…)

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Russian Nuclear Industry to Conquer Country of Pyramids

Russia is ready to build a nuclear power plant in Egypt at its own expense, to manage the plant, and even find markets for the electricity. Early next year Egypt is expected to announce a tender for the construction of nuclear power plant with the capacity of 1 GW 150 km from Alexandria. Russia’s Rosatom will participate in the tender.

A meeting of Russian-Egyptian intergovernmental commission on trade, economic and scientific-technical cooperation was held on Monday. From the Russian side it was chaired by the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko. (more…)

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Tropical Forest Diversity Increased During Ancient Global Warming Event

The steamiest places on the planet are getting warmer. Conservative estimates suggest that tropical areas can expect temperature increases of 3 degrees Celsius by the end of this century. Does global warming spell doom for rainforests? Maybe not. Carlos Jaramillo, staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and colleagues report in the journal Science that nearly 60 million years ago rainforests prospered at temperatures that were 3-5 degrees higher and at atmospheric carbon dioxide levels 2.5 times today’s levels.

About the image: This is a scanning electron microscopy image of characteristic angiosperm pollen taxa from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Image credit: Francy Carvajal, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (more…)

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Hugo Chavez: Nuclear Blackmailer in American Backyard

It seems that the United States has yet another problem: Venezuelan nuclear program may be added to the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs in the near future. The announcement was made the other day by “fierce” Hugo Chavez. Expert Vladimir Khrustalev spoke of the reasons of such intentions and the prospects of a nuclear project in Venezuela with Pravda.ru. (more…)

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