Tag Archives: Bangladesh

What life is like after retirement for labourers in Bangladesh – Part2

Nothing is left there,” said 55-years old widow Fazilat Begum who lost everything in river erosion 15 years ago.

She pauses for breath and looks out onto the alley through the half-open door of her home, a room made of corrugated iron in a slum of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. (more…)

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What life is like after retirement for labourers in Bangladesh – Part1

Md Habibur Rahman, 60, was just sitting in a metallic three-wheeled cart at the corner of a lane of the main street of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. He was waiting for some benevolent pedestrians of the city, home to more than 100 million people. (more…)

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‘Prostitution’ as a second job: Stories of ‘Laila’ and ‘Chandra‘ – garment workers from Bangladesh

Things went not so well for Laila, a divorced 28-year-old mother of one who is now a garment worker in a factory located in Savar area, the apparel industry hub of Bangladesh and not far away from the Dhaka city’s fringe. She was happily married to a man who was a masonry worker but since his income was never stable and sufficient enough for the family, it all started to go very erratic. (more…)

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Besser spät als nie

Die Reederei Hapag-Lloyd will auf Billigverschrottung ihrer Altschiffe verzichten und sie in spezialisierten Werften abwracken. Eine längst überfällige Maßnahme.

Jährlich werden mehrere hundert Hochseeschiffe verschrottet. Sie enthalten noch Tonnen an Sondermüll: 1000 Liter Altöl, dutzende Tonnen Asbest und weitere Giftstoffe. Verbaut in den Schiffen wird also auch dieser Sondermüll in Länder wie Indien, Pakistan oder Bangladesch exportiert, wo er nicht ordnungsgemäß entsorgt werden kann. (more…)

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‘Life as Research Scientist’: Anna Troupe, Creative Designer and Social Thinker

Anna Marie Troupe was born in Mississippi in 1977 and grew up in Huntsville, Alabama. The fifth daughter of a mechanical engineer and an administrative assistant, Anna made a point of pushing the boundaries of her creativity. She studied furniture design at Savannah College of Art and Design and had the honor of exhibiting a chair at the Salone del Mobila in Milan, Italy. Her work was also published in a book called, “Creative Solutions for Unusual Projects.”

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