Tag Archives: rock

Der Ton macht mehr als nur Musik

Rock, Pop, Klassik oder Jazz – Musik beeinflusst unser Leben mehr, als man denkt. Der Psychologe Marcel Zentner erforscht, wie Musik uns prägt, fördert und emotional bewegt. Dass Musik imstande ist, Emotionen auszulösen, zu unterstreichen oder zu formen, ist für ihn schon lange kein Geheimnis mehr. Wie sehr sie jedoch auf unsere Psyche einwirkt, untersucht er mit umfangreichen Tests.

Neben Themenbereichen wie Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Psychologische Diagnostik ist ein besonderes wissenschaftliches Interesse von Marcel Zentner die Verbindung von Psychologie und Musik. „Musik vermag die Menschen auf eine ganz besondere Art und Weise zu beeinflussen. Wie dies genau geschieht und was dabei mit uns passiert, untersuchen wir mit speziell dafür entwickelten Tests“, so Zentner. (more…)

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Soil production breaks geologic speed record

Geologic time is shorthand for slow-paced. But new measurements from steep mountaintops in New Zealand shows that rock can transform into soil more than twice as fast as previously believed possible.

The findings were published Jan. 16 in the early online edition of Science. (more…)

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The Making of Antarctica’s Hidden Fjords

Antarctica’s topography began changing from flat to fjord-filled starting about 34 million years ago, according to a new report from a University of Arizona-led team of geoscientists.

Knowing when Antarctica’s topography started shifting from a flat landscape to one with glaciers, fjords and mountains is important for modeling how the Antarctic ice sheet affects global climate and sea-level rise. (more…)

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NASA Mars Rover Preparing to Drill into First Martian Rock

PASADENA, Calif. — NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity is driving toward a flat rock with pale veins that may hold clues to a wet history on the Red Planet. If the rock meets rover engineers’ approval when Curiosity rolls up to it in coming days, it will become the first to be drilled for a sample during the Mars Science Laboratory mission.

The size of a car, Curiosity is inside Mars’ Gale Crater investigating whether the planet ever offered an environment favorable for microbial life. Curiosity landed in the crater five months ago to begin its two-year prime mission. (more…)

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Magma in Earth’s Mantle Forms Deeper Than Once Thought

Study simulating pressures in mantle beneath the ocean floor shows that rocks can melt at depths up to 250 kilometers

Magma forms far deeper than geologists previously thought, according to new research results.

A team led by geologist Rajdeep Dasgupta of Rice University put very small samples of peridotite, rock derived from Earth’s mantle, under high pressures in a laboratory.

The scientists found that the rock can and does liquify, at least in small amounts, at pressures equivalent to those found as deep as 250 kilometers down in the mantle beneath the ocean floor. (more…)

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Dwarf Species of Fanged Dinosaur Emerges from Southern Africa

A new species of plant-eating dinosaur with tiny, 1-inch-long jaws has come to light in South African rocks dating to the early dinosaur era, some 200 million years ago.

This “punk-sized” herbivore is one of a menagerie of bizarre, tiny, fanged plant-eaters called heterodontosaurs, or “different toothed reptiles,” which were among the first dinosaurs to spread across the planet. (more…)

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Global Sea Level Likely to Rise as Much as 70 Feet in Future Generations

*Scientists looked back in time–in the geologic record–to see the future*

Even if humankind manages to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit)–as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends–future generations will likely have to deal with a completely different world.

One with sea levels 40 to 70 feet higher than at present, according to research results published this week in the journal Geology. (more…)

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River Mystery Solved

*Scientists discover how “Didymo” algae bloom in pristine waters with few nutrients*

The pristine state of unpolluted waterways may be their downfall, according to research results published in a paper this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

A species of freshwater algae that lives in streams and rivers, called Didymo for Didymosphenia geminata, is able to colonize and dominate the bottoms of some of the world’s cleanest waterways–precisely because they are so clear. (more…)

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