Growing up in Phoenix, Patrick “Duffy” De Armas hung out at car shows, worked in a hot rod shop and drove a thunderous Chevy truck he lowered, cut up and amped for sound and speed. He loved big, loud, fast machines. But how did a boy from the desert who lived for jet boats and muscle cars become a rising artist changing Seattle’s landscape?(more…)
The eco-friendly lifestyle is no longer just a trend. Cities across the country have incorporated greener methods into construction, travel, production, and business strategy. We at Modernize know how important it is to conserve energy and rely on renewable resources. If you’re looking to make some positive lifestyle changes for the environment, check out these top five solar cities in America for inspiration.(more…)
Recycling kennt jeder: Müll wird wiederverwertet. Um knappe Ressoucen zu schonen, erobert diese Idee nun auch die Modebranche. Aus gebrauchten oder überschüssigen Materialien entstehen hochwertige Einzelstücke und einen klingenden Namen hat der neue Trend auch bekommen: Upcycling.
Ob Lederretouren aus der Sofaproduktion, ausgediente Feuerwehrschläuche, alte Armeedecken oder schlicht und einfach Reste aus der Textilproduktion: Upcycling hat den entscheidenden Vorteil, dass Abfallprodukte oder nutzlose Stoffe in hochwertigere Produkte umgewandelt werden. Im Gegensatz zum normalen Recycling ist diese Form des Recyclings also eine echte Aufwertung. Das reduziert die Neuproduktion von Rohmaterialien und verringert damit Energieverbrauch, Luft- und Wasserverschmutzung sowie Treibhausgasemissionen. (more…)
Using a state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technique, UA researchers have discovered genetic mutations underlying seizure disorders in previously undiagnosed children.
Researchers at the University of Arizona have successfully determined the genetic mutations causing severe epilepsies in seven out of 10 children for whom the cause of the disorder could not be determined clinically or by conventional genetic testing.
Instead of sequencing each gene one at a time, the team used a technique called whole-exome sequencing: Rather than combing through all of the roughly 3 billion base pairs of an individual’s entire genome, whole-exome-sequencing deciphers only actual genes, and nearly all of them simultaneously. (more…)
COLUMBIA, Mo. — Online advertising has become prevalent in the past five years, and social media sites, such as Facebook, have played a major role. Now, a study at the University of Missouri School of Journalism has developed a method that could help advertisers target online audiences easier by knowing their personality types.
Using a new personality scale, researchers determine how people with certain personality types use social media websites. Heather Shoenberger, a doctoral student in the MU School of Journalism, found that those individuals who liked high-risk activity tended to update their status, upload photos and interact with friends frequently. Simultaneously, those individuals who were more reserved tended to merely scroll through Facebook’s “news feed”, and did not upload photos or actively engage with their friends frequently. (more…)
The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recorded a scene on Jan. 29, 2012, that includes the first color image from orbit showing the three-petal lander of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit mission. Spirit drove off that lander platform in January 2004 and spent most of its six-year working life in a range of hills about two miles to the east.
Another recent image from HiRISE, taken on Jan. 26, 2012, shows NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander and its surroundings on far-northern Mars after that spacecraft’s second Martian arctic winter. Phoenix exceeded its planned mission life in 2008, ending its work as solar energy waned during approach of its first Mars winter. (more…)
*During the 2011 BioBlitz at Saguaro National Park Oct. 21-22, school children and volunteers teamed up with experts to embark on a 24-hour race to discover and tally as many of the park’s living creatures as possible in an effort to better understand the ecology and biodiversity of the Sonoran Desert.*
Under an afternoon sun that is beating down much too relentlessly for this time of year, our group of eleven is scrambling up a hillside in Saguaro National Park just west of Tucson.
EAST LANSING, Mich. — When it comes to economic development in American cities, the trusted old theory “If you build it, they will come” may not work, a Michigan State University sociologist argues in a new study.
Conventional wisdom holds that job growth attracts people to urban areas. (more…)