Tag Archives: east coast

Great Barrier Reef in Gefahr: Australien gibt grünes Licht für Versenkung von Erdaushub

Umweltschützer protestieren: An der australischen Nordostküste sollen rund drei Millionen Kubikmeter Meeresboden abgeladen werden. Die Entscheidung folgt auf einen Beschluss der australischen Regierung, die im Dezember den Ausbau eines Kohle-Hafens unweit des weltberühmten Korallenriffs genehmigt hatte. Der Erdaushub soll etwa drei Kilometer vor der Küste abgelagert werden. Umweltschützer reagieren empört, für Greenpeace ist es eine “Peinlichkeit von internationalem Ausmaß”.

Es geht um drei Millionen Tonnen Schlamm, die in das Meeresreservat gekippt werden sollen, das zum Unesco-Weltkulturerbe zählt. Laut der zuständigen Behörde sei nur ein Drittel des Naturparks – der etwa so groß ist wie Deutschland – streng geschützt. Die übrige Fläche dürfe daher für andere Zwecke verwendet werden. Der erweiterte Hafen soll der Erschließung von Kohle im Volumen von 28 Milliarden US-Dollar dienen. (more…)

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Weltnaturerbe in Gefahr

WWF-Report: Australien schützt das Great Barrier Riff nicht genug/ Verlust des Welterbetitels droht

Das weltberühmte Great Barrier Reef läuft Gefahr, seinen Status als Weltnaturerbe zu verlieren. Die Umweltschutzmaßnahmen der australischen Behörden sind trotz Vorwarnung des UNECO Welterbe-Komitees weiterhin unzureichend. Teile der Korallenriffe und angrenzender Lebensräume sind in schlechtem Zustand – mit fatalen Folgen für die Biodiversität und „Riff-Bewohner“ wie Haie, Rochen und  Meeresschildkröten. Ein aktueller Report des WWF und der Australian Marine Conservation Society, präsentiert die Verfehlungen und mangelnden Fortschritte, das größte Korallenriff der Erde zu schützen. Demnach wurde keine der sieben UNESCO Empfehlungen erfüllt oder mit gutem Fortschritt umgesetzt, besondere Defizite gibt es bei Hafenausbau und Schiffahrt. Morgen läuft die Frist, binnen derer Australien  ein besseres Umweltmanagement für das Riff nachweisen soll, aus. (more…)

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Powerful Animal Tracking System Helps Research Take Flight

Call it a bird’s eye view of migration. Scientists are taking a fresh look at animal movement with a big data approach that combines GPS tracking data with satellite weather and terrain information.

The new Environmental-Data Automated Track Annotation (Env-DATA) system, featured in the journal Movement Ecology, can handle millions of data points and serve a hundred scientists simultaneously, said co-founder Dr. Roland Kays, a zoologist with North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. (more…)

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Making Health Fun

Get Up and Do Something is source for optimal health

Mike Peterson believes that the best way to bring about changes in health behavior is to take an approach that’s fun, positive, and motivational.

So the website he developed and runs with the health promotion master’s students at the University of Delaware is “not about ‘guilting’ people into doing things — it’s about playing to their better angels.” (more…)

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Shark Social Networking

Shark migrations studied with underwater robot along Delmarva Peninsula

University of Delaware researchers are using an underwater robot to find and follow sand tiger sharks that they previously tagged with transmitters. The innovative project is part of a multi-year partnership with Delaware State University to better understand the behavior and migration patterns of the sharks in real time.

“In the past week our new, specially equipped glider OTIS – which stands for Oceanographic Telemetry Identification Sensor – detected multiple sand tiger sharks off the coast of Maryland that were tagged over the past several years,” said Matthew Oliver, assistant professor of oceanography in UD’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment. “This is the first time that a glider has found tagged sharks and reported their location in real time.” (more…)

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What Will You Do If an Earthquake Hits?

Join the Great ShakeOut on October 18, 2012, to prepare

The Central Virginia Seismic Zone, it’s called, and it sometimes shakes everything in sight.

As long ago as 1774, people in central Virginia felt small earthquakes and suffered damage from intermittent larger ones. A magnitude 4.8 quake happened in 1875.

Then last year, on August 23, 2011, a magnitude 5.8 quake hit the same region. Several aftershocks, ranging up to magnitude 4.5, occurred after the main tremor.

Will there be another such quake in the mid-Atlantic region? (more…)

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A Prime Seat to a Once-in-a-Lifetime Spectacle

Hosted by world-renowned astrophotographer Adam Block at the UA’s Mount Lemmon SkyCenter, a group of sky and astronomy enthusiasts watched Venus cross the sun from the highest vantage point in Southern Arizona.

On Nov. 24, 1639, in the tiny village of Much Hoole not far from Liverpool, England, a poor farmer’s son and self-taught astronomer affixed a sheet of paper in front of a makeshift telescope pointed at the sun and waited.

Thirty-five minutes before sunset, a dark, round spot appeared right next to the bright disc that was the sun’s face projected on the paper, and made Jeremiah Horrocks, only 20 years old at the time, the first known human to predict, observe and record a transit – the passage of a planet across the sun as seen from Earth.

Almost 373 years later, a group of sky enthusiasts is gathered beneath the dome of one of the University of Arizona’s observatories on Mount Lemmon just north of Tucson, Ariz. (more…)

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Power of Possibility

ARAMARK executive, industry experts share entrepreneurial lessons with students

Believe in the power of possibility. “Possibility for success, possibility to impact others, possibility to create jobs and contribute to your communities – the possibility of successful business ownership is real for you,” Christina Estrada told students in a keynote address at the sixth annual Hospitality and Entrepreneurship Summit held recently on the University of Delaware campus in Newark.

For Estrada, global chief diversity officer for ARAMARK, possibility is rooted in an entrepreneurial spirit that sparks creative thinking into diversification.

“As an aspiring entrepreneur you need creative thinking after the big idea,” said Estrada. “You need to understand your industry and know what your customers need that is unique, as well as what they want consistently and that is reliable. As an aspiring entrepreneur, you need to believe in the power of possibility.” (more…)

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