My favorite things in life don't cost any money. The most precious resource we all have is time. —Steve Jobs pic.twitter.com/OYRMKO3Htu — History In Pictures (@HistoryInPix) 11. Mai 2017
Auch wenn es Karrieren wie die von Steve Jobs oder Bill Gates suggerieren – Hochschulabbrecher sind nicht die erfolgreicheren Unternehmer. Darauf deuten Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung hin, die ein Kasseler Wirtschaftswissenschaftler mit Kollegen aus Dänemark und Norwegen anhand von dänischen Arbeitsmarktdaten durchgeführt hat. (more…)
The world of technologies doesn’t cease to surprise. This time we have an innovation from Apple. It should seem, there only was a fuss about the new iPhone 5, and now we have the news about the brand-new iPhone 5S. Is there a big difference between these two models and how many people are going to buy the latest one?
In the year 2007 Steve Jobs made a sensation when presented to the world his invention – a small device with lots of functions and capabilities, not a simple phone but it seemed a small computer with exception for particular functions. It was a furor, not to say more. The innovation had a great success among the consumers, and the inventors gave birth to the next models making better the functions of the iPhone and some of its applications. (more…)
ARAMARK executive, industry experts share entrepreneurial lessons with students
Believe in the power of possibility. “Possibility for success, possibility to impact others, possibility to create jobs and contribute to your communities – the possibility of successful business ownership is real for you,” Christina Estrada told students in a keynote address at the sixth annual Hospitality and Entrepreneurship Summit held recently on the University of Delaware campus in Newark.
For Estrada, global chief diversity officer for ARAMARK, possibility is rooted in an entrepreneurial spirit that sparks creative thinking into diversification.
“As an aspiring entrepreneur you need creative thinking after the big idea,” said Estrada. “You need to understand your industry and know what your customers need that is unique, as well as what they want consistently and that is reliable. As an aspiring entrepreneur, you need to believe in the power of possibility.” (more…)
Top bosses are expert storytellers who tell versions of the same four stories to keep ahead of the game, experts have found. Researchers from Exeter, Newcastle and Strathclyde universities have discovered four powerful messages are built into the often subtle and sometimes self-deprecating stories leaders tell about themselves.
The messages are about defying the odds, staying the course, succeeding through talent and giving back to society. The overall effect of this image-enhancing cocktail is to legitimise their positions as captains of industry.
Storytelling has long been recognised as a way leaders such as Winston Churchill or Steve Jobs maintained legitimacy. However, this research goes further, revealing how and why these stories are such a potent way of keeping stellar careers on track. (more…)
SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 30, 2011– Amazon.com, Inc. today released its “Best of 2011” lists, which include the best-selling, most wished for, most gifted, and most loved products as determined by Amazon.com customers in 2011. (more…)
*iPhone takes the top spot in 2011; Casey Anthony pled her way onto the list; Kim Kardashian joins the list again; and Osama bin Laden’s death captivated the world*
SUNNYVALE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)— Today Yahoo! Inc., the premier digital media company, announced the 10th anniversary edition of its Year in Review (yearinreview.yahoo.com), the highly-anticipated annual look-back that identifies the top stories and trends of the year based on nearly 700 million monthly unique visitorsi activity on the network and billions of consumer searches. The annual look-back of aggregated visitor activity is a gauge for worldwide interests. The 2011 Year in Review is available in 17 versions including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United Statesii.
The top search term of 2011 didn’t go to a person or a news event, but to a technological marvel. The iPhone led the 2011 search queries, bypassing a reality TV star’s marriage and pending divorce, a notorious criminal defendant, and America’s most wanted terrorist. (more…)
Craig Mundie, Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer, brought news of Microsoft’s plans to merge the physical world with the digital word during an Oct. 6 lecture at the University of Toronto.
“The computer is being endowed with more and more human sensing-like capability,” said Mundie. “We think this will be the predominant way people will use computers in the future.” (more…)