Tag Archives: year in review

Twerk, Snap, Shake: Yahoo Unveils 2013 Year In Review

SUNNYVALE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE) — Yahoo today announced the 2013 Year In Review, a look at the daily search habits of millions of Yahoo users. And for the first time,Year In Review takes a peek at the top trends from Tumblr. This year’s top searches on Yahoo include high-profile trials, Obamacare, and the twerk seen ‘round the world. (more…)

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Eleven for ’11 – My Favorite Moments of 2011

By Frank X. Shaw, Corporate Vice President, Corporate Communications

Every year at this time there’s a glut of “year in review” and “best of” lists that come out. Last night I was reading the Rolling Stone “best songs/albums/movies” issue, and was gratified to note that some albums/artists/movies I saw and liked made the list. I feel relevant. 🙂 (more…)

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Yahoo!’s 10th Annual Year in Review Spotlights 2011’s Passing Obsessions and Perplexing Newsmakers

*iPhone takes the top spot in 2011; Casey Anthony pled her way onto the list; Kim Kardashian joins the list again; and Osama bin Laden’s death captivated the world*

SUNNYVALE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)— Today Yahoo! Inc., the premier digital media company, announced the 10th anniversary edition of its Year in Review (yearinreview.yahoo.com), the highly-anticipated annual look-back that identifies the top stories and trends of the year based on nearly 700 million monthly unique visitorsi activity on the network and billions of consumer searches. The annual look-back of aggregated visitor activity is a gauge for worldwide interests. The 2011 Year in Review is available in 17 versions including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United Statesii.

The top search term of 2011 didn’t go to a person or a news event, but to a technological marvel. The iPhone led the 2011 search queries, bypassing a reality TV star’s marriage and pending divorce, a notorious criminal defendant, and America’s most wanted terrorist. (more…)

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