Tag Archives: avatar

“Tele-Handshake” zwischen ISS und Erde

Eine einfache Geste der Begrüßung und doch außergewöhnlich: Händeschütteln zwischen einem Astronauten auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS und Wissenschaftlern am Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). Die Interaktion erfolgte mittels des humanoiden DLR-Roboters SpaceJustin, der sich in Oberpfaffenhofen befindet und am 17. Dezember 2015 von der ISS aus ferngesteuert wurde. Der Kosmonaut Sergei Volkov auf der ISS und DLR-Institutsdirektor Prof. Alin Albu-Schäffer auf der Erde konnten sich gegenseitig sehen, miteinander sprechen und – dank Kraftrückkoppelung – die Kraft und die Bewegung des Händeschüttelns spüren. (more…)

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Microsoft unveils Xbox One: the ultimate all-in-one home entertainment system

Blockbuster titles, Steven Spielberg-produced Halo TV series, and exclusive agreements with the NFL transform games, TV and entertainment for the 21st century living room.

REDMOND, Wash. — May 21, 2013 — A new vision for the future comes to life today as Microsoft Corp. unveils Xbox One , the all-in-one gaming and entertainment system created for today and the next generation. At Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Wash., the company showcased how Xbox One puts you at the center of all your games, TV, movies, music, sports and Skype.

“Xbox One is designed to deliver a whole new generation of blockbuster games, television and entertainment in a powerful, all-in-one device,” said Don Mattrick, president, Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. “Our unique, modern architecture brings simplicity to the living room and, for the first time ever, the ability to instantly switch across your games and entertainment.” (more…)

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Within ‘Habitable Zone,’ More Planets than We Knew

The number of known places in our galaxy theoretically hospitable to life may be significantly greater than previously thought, according to new research.

Researchers with Planet Hunters are reporting the discovery of a Jupiter-sized planet in the so-called “habitable zone” of a star similar to Earth’s sun, as well as the identification of 15 new candidate planets also orbiting within their star’s habitable zone. (more…)

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Virtual Reality Could Help People Lose Weight, Fight Prejudice, Says MU Researcher

Study found that online presence can positively affect physical health and well-being

COLUMBIA, Mo. — Internet-based interactive games and social media outlets have become intertwined with the physical realities of millions of people around the world. When an individual strongly identifies with the cyber representation of themselves, known as an avatar, the electronic doppelganger can influence that person’s health and appearance, according to a University of Missouri researcher’s study. Harnessing the power of the virtual world could lead to new forms of obesity treatment and help break down racial and sexual prejudices.

“The creation of an avatar allows an individual to try on a new appearance and persona, with little risk or effort,” said Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz, assistant professor of communication in MU’s College of Arts and Science. “That alter-ego can then have a positive influence on a person’s life. For example, people seeking to lose weight could create fitter avatars to help visualize themselves as slimmer and healthier.” (more…)

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Xtranormal: Movie-Making for Everyone

*Microsoft BizSpark One startup aims to make animated movies as easy as typing.*

REDMOND, Wash. — Xtranormal’s tagline, “If you can type, you can make movies,” describes both the company’s mission and how to use its text-to-speech system to create animated movies. The Microsoft BizSpark One member is working to transform movie-making into an everyday activity, as simple and commonplace as composing a text message.

“We want to make animated movies ubiquitous,” says Graham Sharp, COO of Xtranormal. “I’d like to see people using the Xtranormal platform like they use Microsoft Word: just opening a document and starting to type.” (more…)

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Of Avatars and Virtual Meetings

Craig Mundie, Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer, brought news of Microsoft’s plans to merge the physical world with the digital word during an Oct. 6 lecture at the University of Toronto.

“The computer is being endowed with more and more human sensing-like capability,” said Mundie.  “We think this will be the predominant way people will use computers in the future.” (more…)

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The Virtual Future of Printed Media

Today is not the best time for printed press. It becomes obvious already that printed newspapers and magazines do not win the fight with online media.  

However, the traditional media will not disappear. 


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