Tag Archives: pravda

Some Russians Still Live in The USSR

The Soviet passport stopped its existence seven years ago. Nevertheless, about 5,000 residents of the city of Sverdlovsk live in a non-existent country. They refuse to exchange their ID for a Russian passport. What is the reason behind such absurd situations? Do those people feel nostalgic about the erstwhile superpower or are they stuck-in-the-mud kind of people? What can be done about such citizens who can not even be referred to as citizens?

A local news agency says that many of those “Soviet passport people” ask officers of migration services to glue in new photos in their invalid passports. Some others decide not to exchange their Soviet passports for Russian ones in order not to pay the state duty of 1,000 rubles ($30). There are people who say that the new passport insults their religious feelings. (more…)

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Women Do Not Detect Internet Scams As Well as Men Do

Women are significantly more likely than men to fall for Internet scams, a new piece of research has claimed after conducting an online test.

In six out of seven tests, women were less likely to detect a scam than men, with females in the supposedly tech-savvy 25-34 age group especially easy to fool, according to Nominet-backed website, Knowthenet. (more…)

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Religion: Convergence of Cultures or Clash of Creeds?

With the beginning of Ramadan, the Ninth Month of the Islamic Calendar, come hot debates, as to whether Moslems should be allowed to slit the throats of sheep in public, to make the call to prayer (Adhan) in non-Moslem communities, to build a Mosque near Ground Zero.


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Russia and AIDS: The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

Women’s rights are high on the international agenda as the world moves towards a more egalitarian model, finally creating and respecting gender equality and the empowerment of women.  

As regards AIDS, what is the situation involving women in particular and the population in general, in the Russian Federation, CIS countries and in the international community?  

PRAVDA.Ru presents its exclusive interview*.


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Building Bridges for Women

Exclusive Interview between PRAVDA.Ru* and UNIFEM Chief of Governance for Peace and Security Ms. Anne-Marie Goetz, who states that the way we think about gender and war has changed in the last decade, although a lot more needs to be done. What is the situation regarding women’s rights in conflict zones, what can Governments do, and fundamentally, what can you do?


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Troops in Afghanistan Had Special Group to Exterminate “Terrorists”

Hundreds of civilians were killed without public and official knowledge by coalition troops in Afghanistan. Secret plans to kill leaders of the extremist Taliban and Al Qaeda and the discussion of the alleged involvement of Iran and Pakistan in supporting the insurgents were recurring themes for military leaders.


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Pentagon Officially Prepares for Laser War Against Mythical Enemy

The world’s most respectable air show, which takes place once every two years not far from the town of Farnborough in England’s Hampshire, has brought a number of surprises. The presentation of the US-made anti-aircraft laser gun was one of them.


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