Tag Archives: jesus

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WWF präsentiert Tipps und Fakten für umweltfreundliche Ostern

Berlin – Hase, Ei und Fischgericht – Ostern ist ein Fest der Traditionen. Damit es auch für die Umwelt feierlich wird, präsentiert der WWF Fakten und praktische Tipps rund ums Osterfest.

Osterhase in Gefahr: Er kommt jedes Jahr und niemand weiß genau wieso. Es gibt verschiedene Theorien, warum ein Hase zu Ostern Eier bemalt und sie dann in den Gärten versteckt. Sicher ist, dass es für den wahren Osterhasen – den Feldhasen – nicht gut aussieht: Seit den 1960er Jahren gerät er immer stärker unter Druck. Wichtigster Grund ist laut WWF die intensive Landwirtschaft. Große Monokulturen ohne Rückzugsräume nehmen ihm den Lebensraum, gleichzeitig vernichten Pestizide seine Futterpflanzen. Mittlerweile ist Meister Lampe in vielen Regionen nur noch selten anzutreffen und steht sogar auf der Roten Liste. (more…)

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Recognizing Psychological Common Ground Could Ease Tensions Among Those with Different Religious Beliefs, says MU Psychologist

COLUMBIA, Mo. — Understanding how thoughts of mortality influence individuals’ beliefs sheds light on the commonalities among different groups’ motivations and could help ease tensions between opposing viewpoints, according to University of Missouri experiments that tested the relationship between awareness of death and belief in a higher power. The study found that thoughts of death increased atheists, Christians, Muslims and agnostics conviction in their own world views. For example, contrary to the wartime aphorism that there are no atheists in foxholes, thoughts of death did not cause atheists to express belief in a deity.

“Our study suggests that atheists’ and religious believers’ world views have the same practical goal,” said Kenneth Vail, lead author and doctoral student in psychological science in MU’s College of Arts and Science. “Both groups seek a coherent world view to manage the fear of death and link themselves to a greater and immortal entity, such as a supreme being, scientific progress or a nation. If people were more aware of this psychological similarity, perhaps there might be more understanding and less conflict among groups with different beliefs.” (more…)

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Religion: Convergence of Cultures or Clash of Creeds?

With the beginning of Ramadan, the Ninth Month of the Islamic Calendar, come hot debates, as to whether Moslems should be allowed to slit the throats of sheep in public, to make the call to prayer (Adhan) in non-Moslem communities, to build a Mosque near Ground Zero.


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