Tag Archives: international

Where does water go when it doesn’t flow?

Study shows how much enters air from plants, soil, surface water

More than a quarter of the rain and snow that falls on continents reaches the oceans as runoff. Now a new study helps show where the rest goes: two-thirds of the remaining water is released by plants, more than a quarter lands on leaves and evaporates and what’s left evaporates from soil and from lakes, rivers and streams. (more…)

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“Goldener” Reis – eine gefährliche Illusion: Mit bewährten Methoden gegen Vitamin A-Mangel

Die mangelhafte Versorgung mit dem wichtigen Nährstoff Vitamin A ist eines der bedeutendsten Ernährungsprobleme in vielen Ländern vor allem Afrikas und Südostasiens. Hier fehlt zahlreichen Menschen der Zugang zu Lebensmitteln, die ausreichend Beta-Carotin (Pro-Vitamin A) enthalten, das der Körper zu Vitamin A umwandelt. Vitamin-A-Mangel kann zu Erblindung und Tod führen, vor allem Kinder sind betroffen.

Dagegen gibt es bereits bewährte und einfache Strategien: Dazu zählen die Verteilung von Präparaten, einfache Beimischungen in Grundnahrungsmittel und Gärten in armen Bezirken, um Obst und Gemüse zu erzeugen. Doch ungeachtet dessen verspricht die Biotech-Industrie seit mehr als 20 Jahren Abhilfe. Genmanipulierter Reis soll das Problem lösen. Immer deutlicher wird: Der sogenannte “goldene” Reis ist ein riskanter und untauglicher Ansatz für die Lösung eines Problems, das längst behoben sein könnte und eine denkbar einfache Antwort kennt: Vielfalt. (more…)

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Sharks: Bad Creatures or Bad Image?

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Historically, the media have been particularly harsh to sharks, and it’s affecting their survival.

The results of a Michigan State University study, appearing in the current issue of the journal Conservation Biology, reviewed worldwide media coverage of sharks – and the majority isn’t good.

Australian and U.S. news articles were more likely to focus on negative reports featuring sharks and shark attacks rather than conservation efforts. Allowing such articles to dominate the overall news coverage diverts attention from key issues, such as shark populations are declining worldwide and many species are facing extinction, said Meredith Gore, MSU assistant professor of fisheries and wildlife and the School of Criminal Justice. (more…)

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Microsoft Employees Raise $1 Billion for Communities Around the World

Microsoft commemorates 30th Employee Giving Campaign with CEO Steve Ballmer and Chairman and Founder Bill Gates.

REDMOND, Wash. — Oct. 18, 2012 — Microsoft Corp. today commemorated its 30th Employee Giving Campaign and announced that U.S. employees raised $1 billion in cash since 1983 for approximately 31,000 nonprofits and community organizations around the world. CEO Steve Ballmer announced the milestone during a special town hall event at the Microsoft Redmond campus, which included Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and Washington State Gov. Chris Gregoire.

“Today, I’m thrilled to announce that since our Employee Giving Campaign started in 1983, Microsoft employees have donated a total of $1 billion to more than 31,000 nonprofits around the world,” Ballmer said. “I’m incredibly proud of our employees, and this is truly a time to celebrate, not just because we’ve raised a record amount of funds, but also because together with our nonprofit partners, we have impacted and improved the lives of hundreds of millions of people.” (more…)

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Mug Handles Could Help Hot Plasma Give Lower-Cost, Controllable Fusion Energy

Researchers around the world are working on an efficient, reliable way to contain the plasma used in fusion reactors, potentially bringing down the cost of this promising but technically elusive energy source. A new finding from the University of Washington could help contain and stabilize the plasma using as little as 1 percent of the energy required by current methods.

“All of a sudden the current energy goes from being almost too much to almost negligible,” said lead author Thomas Jarboe, a UW professor of aeronautics and astronautics. He presents the findings this week at the International Atomic Energy Association’s 24th annual Fusion Energy Conference in San Diego. (more…)

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September 11 and The Cost of War

The Costs of War project is assessing the total cost of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in the wake of the 9-11 attacks. Findings thus far put the cost at more than 300,000 lives and $4 trillion. The project’s findings are continually updated. (more…)

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