Tag Archives: conservation biology

Schnüffelhunde sind Wilderern auf der Spur

Elefanten- und Nashorn-Wilderei dramatischer als angenommen

Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Ranger am 31. Juli 2014 verweist NABU International auf neueste wissenschaftliche Schätzungen, denen zufolge die Elefanten-Wilderei in Afrika noch dramatischer ist als bislang angenommen. (more…)

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Sharks: Bad Creatures or Bad Image?

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Historically, the media have been particularly harsh to sharks, and it’s affecting their survival.

The results of a Michigan State University study, appearing in the current issue of the journal Conservation Biology, reviewed worldwide media coverage of sharks – and the majority isn’t good.

Australian and U.S. news articles were more likely to focus on negative reports featuring sharks and shark attacks rather than conservation efforts. Allowing such articles to dominate the overall news coverage diverts attention from key issues, such as shark populations are declining worldwide and many species are facing extinction, said Meredith Gore, MSU assistant professor of fisheries and wildlife and the School of Criminal Justice. (more…)

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