Tag Archives: hillary clinton

The Election Basar 2016 – New form of bribery – ‘paid speeches’

Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches – a ‘secret’? – not any more. But how much she was paid for each speech?

According to The Guardian – ‘her minimum fee was $225,000 per speech’ and her hosts make a long list of banks, securities firms and other financial institutions. (more…)

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The Election Basar 2016 – Lustful Trump and Corrupt Hillary & Co.

Donald trump is an ‘extrovert’ (from the very beginning) who would love to boast of everything – achieved and enjoyed (in life). That’s the case with current video leak where he proudfully narrated one of his ‘trial and (now) error’ encounters with a prominent media personality. This happened as Mr. Trump is ‘automatically attracted’ to beautiful women. He admits it and apologised. By the way it was in 2005 – a younger Trump was very ‘hot’. (more…)

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The Election Basar 2016 – Good bye Hillary Clinton!

Democrats need a new candidate, desperately. A sick Hillary Clinton offers no prospect even for a head-to-head competition with the Republican candidate Donald Trump, let alone if there’s any chance to winning the November election. (more…)

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«Ich weiss nicht, ob ich das kann»

Die Wiederwahl Barack Obamas hing an einem dünnen Faden. Ein Buch beschreibt, wie der US-Präsident seine Selbstzweifel überwand.

Denver, 3. Oktober 2012. Das erste TV-Duell zwischen Barack Obama und dem republikanischen Herausforderer Mitt Romney ist vorbei. Romney eilt von der Bühne in die Garderobe und wird von seinem Team jubelnd empfangen. Seine Frau Ann umarmt ihn, Sohn Tagg ruft begeistert: «Dad, Du hast ihn vernichtet!» Was war geschehen?

Romney hatte neunzig Minuten lang die Bühne dominiert. Er trat eloquent, freundlich und doch hartnäckig auf, bestimmt und doch humorvoll – wie ein Präsident. Obamas Lager dagegen musste konsterniert zusehen, wie ihr Mann völlig neben den Schuhen stand. Er wirkte abwesend und schläfrig, kritzelte Notizen auf Zettel und starrte auf das Pult vor sich hin. Keine Spur von Verve und Leidenschaft. (more…)

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Born to Lead? Leadership Can be an Inherited Trait, Study Finds

Genetic differences are significantly associated with the likelihood that people take on managerial responsibilities, according to new research from UCL (University College London).

The study, published online in Leadership Quarterly, is the first to identify a specific DNA sequence associated with the tendency for individuals to occupy a leadership position. Using a large twin sample, the international research team, which included academics from Harvard, NYU, and the University of California, estimate that a quarter of the observed variation in leadership behaviour between individuals can be explained by genes passed down from their parents. (more…)

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