Tag Archives: business

Small Business Owners Not Always Worried about Being Treated Fairly, MU Researcher Finds

Small retailers willing to sacrifice fairness for success

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Fairness is not always the most important priority for small retailers. In an international study, University of Missouri researchers found that some small retailers are less concerned about whether they are treated fairly by business suppliers than other factors, such as cash flow and company survival. (more…)

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IBM Survey: Speed and Analytics Key Drivers in Mobile Adoption for Organizations

Half of the Respondents Report a Greater Than 10 Percent Gain in Employee Productivity as a Result of Their Mobile Efforts

ARMONK, N.Y. – 19 Nov 2013: IBM today announced results of a new study revealing that 90 percent of global organizations surveyed are willing to sustain or increase their investments in mobile technologies over the next 12-18 months. One of the reasons for increased investments is the measurable impact on speed and productivity. For example, half of the respondents report a greater than 10 percent gain in employee productivity as a result of their mobile efforts. (more…)

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How Does Video Conferencing Benefit a Business?

Cost control is one of the major challenges that companies face and when it’s for a small business, things come to survivability. Thus, the latest technologies and tools that promise to cut down the costs of a company is readily tested and accepted by the small business concerns. VoIP/IP telephony or online applications to make cheap/free calls are always welcome by the business owners who would like to enjoy anything doesn’t have a price tag attached to it.

There are many business owners who work with overseas clients and frequently travelling is not a very feasible option. Travelling abroad is not at all a financially viable option, if it has to be undertaken quite frequently. Phone conferences were a great way to have one-to-one meetings but it had its own downsides – they were costly and very difficult to arrange. Phone conferences often proved to be confusing and led to misunderstandings. Internet and especially after the advent of broadband, it has become really easy for medium and small-scale companies to maintain cheaper communication channels with their clients.  (more…)

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What is data warehousing and how can it benefit my business?

In business, information is going to be the key to improving your organization and heightening your levels of productivity. This is where data warehousing is incredibly useful. A lot of business leaders may not be entirely clear as to what data warehousing actually is. A data warehouse, often called an enterprise data warehouse, refers to a data storage center. The purpose of this center is to use data for reports and data analysis. “Warehouses” are going to store a range of different types of data. Both historical and current data is used in order to create reports of trends within the business. This could be to do with levels of productivity, sales and more. As a result, it is a good idea to look into data warehousing and see how it can end up affecting your business. You will be given more information on how your business runs and how you can end up improving it. (more…)

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Caching In: How Some Organizations Are Using Big Data to Change the Way They Do Business

As big data access shifts to the masses, The Weather Company and other top global companies are showing the world how it’s done.

REDMOND, Wash. Feb. 12, 2012 —Big data is changing the way organizations do business, make discoveries, and interact with each other. In fact, pundits are predicting that 2013 will be the year organizations across a range of industries begin implementing big data strategies, or face obsolescence. As David Selinger wrote in a recent article on Forbes online: “If executives don’t find a way to trap, tame, and train their data monsters, they’ll be extinct in two years—fossils who’ve missed the new world order.”

Microsoft believes that big data has the power to drive practical and theoretical insights that have eluded people to date. In the past, high costs and technology limitations have constrained access to data storage infrastructure and the tools needed to manage and analyze large quantities of data. This is finally starting to change. (more…)

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Corporations Favor Elite Nonprofits

ANN ARBOR — Businesses are good for nonprofits, but they are especially good for nonprofits that directly benefit the corporate elite such as art institutes, symphony orchestras and private schools, according to research from the University of Michigan.

The study asked how locally headquartered corporations influenced the growth of two different types of nonprofit organizations—those oriented to the elite and those focused more broadly on social welfare—in the largest 100 U.S communities from 1987 to 2002. (more…)

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Business Promotional Products Explained – What They Are and How They Are Used

Business promotional products are any items that may be used to promote something about a business. That might be the whole brand – or it might be a specific product or message from within that brand.

Promotional items may be anything at all, as long as they are either directly branded or used in a way that has immediate relevance to a promotion or campaign. Such a promotion or campaign can be targeted for immediate return (as in a product launch) – or it can be a long term promotion, like getting workers within a company to wear branded protective clothing when they do a job. (more…)

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Want Better Employees? Get Somebody Else To Rate Their Personalities, Suggests New Study.

TORONTO, ON – Businesses will get more accurate assessments of potential and current employees if they do away with self-rated personality tests and ask those being assessed to find someone else to rate them, suggest results from a new study.

Previous job performance studies have shown that outsiders are best at rating an individual’s personality in terms of how they work on the job. But observers in these studies have always been co-workers. (more…)

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