Tag Archives: beauty

L’Oreal verbannt Palmöl aus Regenwaldzerstörung

Sie sind es sich endlich wert – der weltweit größte Konzern für Beauty- und Kosmetikprodukte hat sich ehrgeizigere Ziele beim Waldschutz gesetzt. Bis zum Jahr 2020 will L’Oreal nicht-nachhaltiges Palmöl aus all seinen Produkten verbannt haben.

In einem ersten Schritt will der Konzern bis zum Jahr 2015 für Transparenz in seiner Lieferkette sorgen: Die Herkunft des verwendeten Palmöls soll komplett nachvollziehbar sein. Es wird nach Angaben von L’Oreal aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften als Weichmacher größtenteils in Haut- und Haarpflegeprodukten verwendet. (more…)

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Einer von sieben Smartphone-Besitzern in Europa tätigt Online-Einkäufe über sein Mobiltelefon

Zugriff auf Retail Webseiten über Smartphones zum Vorjahr um 43 Prozent gestiegen

Frankfurt, 22. Oktober 2013  – comScore, Inc., eines der führenden Unternehmen in der Messung der digitalen Welt hat heute eine Analyse der Mobiltelefonnutzung in den fünf führenden europäischen Märkten (Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Vereinigtes Königreich und Spanien – zusammengefasst als EU5-Region) auf Basis von Daten des comScore MobiLens Service veröffentlicht. Die Studie zeigt, dass die mobile Nutzung von Retail–Webseiten im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 43 Prozent anstieg. 20,4 Prozent der EU5-Smartphone-Besitzer nutzen Retail Apps und Sites auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon. Darüber hinaus berichtete einer von sieben Smartphone-Besitzern bereits eine  Kaufhandlung über das Mobiltelefon getätigt zu haben. (more…)

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Top Diet Programs for Weight Loss

Most people today look at diet plans to help them lose weight; however, these plans can also serve other purposes such as keeping heart disease and diabetes at bay. With all the different diet plans on offer, choosing the one that is right for you can be a tough job. Take a look at these plans that were evaluated by health experts and received high rankings in a recent survey by U.S. News, and make your decision.

The Mediterranean Diet

Like the Mayo Clinic Diet, the Mediterranean Diet plan helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and also prevent or control diabetes, brain and heart disorders and even cancer. Drawing inspiration from the diet of people in the European countries around the Mediterranean Sea, this diet focuses on eating more of nuts, herbs and spices, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, seafood and fish, and cutting down on red meat, saturated fat foods and sugar. With its emphasis on mono- and polyunsaturated fats and avoidance of saturated fat, this diet is effective at reducing bad cholesterol and keeping blood pressure low. Although it is one of the top diet programs, the only possible weakness lies in the fact that the plan is not a structured one and so, the onus lies on you to come up with a calorie chart to follow. (more…)

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For Some Women, Genes May Influence Pressure to Be Thin

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Genetics may make some women more vulnerable to the pressure of being thin, a study led by Michigan State University researchers has found.

From size-zero models to airbrushed film stars, thinness is portrayed as equaling beauty across Western culture, and it’s an ideal often cited as a cause of eating disorder symptoms in young women. The researchers focused on the potential psychological impact of women buying into this perceived ideal of thinness, which they call thin-ideal internalization. Changes in self-perception and behavior, caused by this idealization, can lead to body dissatisfaction, a preoccupation with weight and other symptoms of eating disorders. (more…)

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You’re Beautiful, Vesta

NASA’s UCLA-led Dawn mission shows protoplanet’s surprising surface

When UCLA’s Christopher T. Russell looks at the images of the protoplanet Vesta produced by NASA’s Dawn mission, he talks about beauty as much as he talks about science.

“Vesta looks like a little planet. It has a beautiful surface, much more varied and diverse than we expected,” said Russell, a professor in UCLA’s Department of Earth and Space Sciences and the Dawn mission’s principal investigator. “We knew Vesta’s surface had some variation in color, but we did not expect the diversity that we see or the clarity of the colors and textures, or their distinct boundaries. We didn’t find gold on Vesta, but it is still a gold mine.”

Dawn has been orbiting Vesta and collecting data on the protoplanet’s surface since July 2011. Vesta, which is in the doughnut-shaped asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, is currently some 321 million miles from Earth. (more…)

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Researchers Give Long Look at Who Benefits From Nature Tourism

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Using nature’s beauty as a tourist draw can boost conservation in China’s valued panda preserves, but it isn’t an automatic ticket out of poverty for the human inhabitants, a long-term study at Michigan State University shows.

The policy hitch: Often those who benefit most from nature-based tourism endeavors are people who already have resources. The truly impoverished have a harder time breaking into the tourism business. (more…)

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