Tag Archives: system

Kasseler Wissenschaftler entwickeln System zur vorausschauenden Steuerung von Talsperren

Talsperren leisten weltweit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Hochwasserschutz, zur Trink- und Brauchwasserversorgung und zur Energieerzeugung aus Wasserkraft. Die individuelle Steuerung der Abgabemengen ist komplex und so auszurichten, dass die im Widerspruch zueinander stehenden Bewirtschaftungsziele eingehalten werden. Kasseler Wissenschaftler vom Fachgebiet Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft haben nun ein computergestütztes System entwickelt, das mit Hilfe mathematischer Optimierung eine vorausschauende Steuerung der Abflussmengen der Edertalsperre ermöglicht. Es ist auf Anlagen in der ganzen Welt übertragbar. (more…)

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Europa könnte Emissionen zu moderaten Kosten um 40 Prozent senken

Die EU könnte zu moderaten Kosten ein ehrgeizigeres Klimaziel erreichen. Würden die gegenwärtig bis 2020 geplanten 20 Prozent Minderung des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen auf 40 Prozent bis 2030 hochgesetzt, so lägen die zusätzlichen Kosten wahrscheinlich bei weniger als 0.7 Prozent der Wirtschaftskraft. Dies ist ein Kernergebnis der internationalen, mehrere Modelle vergleichenden Untersuchung des Stanford Modeling Forum (EMF28). Die Veröffentlichung kommt zu einem entscheidenden Zeitpunkt: Nächste Woche wird die Europäische Kommission verkünden, in welchem Maß sie ihre Emissionen im nächsten Jahrzehnt senken will. Allerdings sehen die Wissenschaftler für die Zeit nach 2040 ein Risiko stark steigender Kosten. Um dem entgegen zu wirken, sind technologische Innovationen nötig. (more…)

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IBM Awards Multi-Million Dollar Cloud Computing Platform to Seven Nova Scotia Schools

System to drive analytics curriculum, research and development

MARKHAM, ON & HALIFAX NS – 27 Nov 2013: IBM today announced it is contributing a multi-million dollar private cloud to a consortium of post-secondary institutions in Nova Scotia. The system, the first of its kind in Atlantic Canada, will form a shared computing platform enabling the schools to together create new curriculum and conduct research, all aimed at better equipping graduates with high-demand analytics skills to drive Nova Scotia’s economy.

The system, operational in early 2014, is being hosted at Dalhousie University but will also be accessible through a simple, single log-on process to faculty and students at Acadia University, Cape Breton University, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia Community College, Saint Mary’s University and St. Francis Xavier University. (more…)

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6 Reasons to Consider Powering Your House with Wind Turbines

Wind energy is one of the cleanest forms of renewable energy along with solar. This is the main reason why wind turbines were some of the very first form of clean energy producers adopted not only by governments, but also people to power their homes. They cost relatively less when compared to installing solar panels.

Reasons to consider powering your house with wind turbines

#1 Contribute To Your Community

 Keep your head high and feel proud, you are going to contribute to your community. You can’t obviously store all of the energy that will be produced by your system. You will be able to export excess energy produced by your turbines to the local grid and share the electricity with your neighbors. (more…)

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Transforming America by Redirecting Wasted Health Care Dollars

Eliminating excessive spending could mean windfall for U.S., study suggests

The respected national Institute of Medicine estimates that $750 billion is lost each year to wasteful or excessive health care spending. This sum includes excess administrative costs, inflated prices, unnecessary services and fraud — dollars that add no value to health and well-being.

If those wasteful costs could be corralled without sacrificing health care quality, how might that money be better spent? (more…)

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Driving Force

UD prof leads photonics revolution to help researchers access high-tech foundry services

Michael Hochberg joined the University of Delaware in the spring of 2012 as an associate professor in electrical and computer engineering.

An industry leader in silicon photonics and large-scale photonic-electronic integration, Hochberg is renowned for establishing Optoelectronic Systems Integration in Silicon (OpSIS), a high-tech foundry service for silicon photonics in which the community shares the cost of fabricating complex chip-scale systems across many projects. (more…)

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Armchair Astronomers Find Planet in Four-Star System

A joint effort of citizen scientists and professional astronomers has led to the first reported case of a planet orbiting twin suns that in turn is orbited by a second distant pair of stars.

Aided by volunteers using the Planethunters.org website, a Yale-led international team of astronomers identified and confirmed discovery of the phenomenon, called a circumbinary planet in a four-star system.

Only six planets are known to orbit two stars, according to researchers, and none of these are orbited by distant stellar companions. (more…)

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Brilliant 10

UD alumnus one of Popular Science magazine’s ‘Brilliant 10’ Young Scientists

University of Delaware alumnus Deva Ramanan has been named one of Popular Science magazine’s “Brilliant 10” Young Scientists.

The designation places Ramanan on the magazine’s annual “honor roll” of the 10 most promising scientist for 2012.

Ramanan, who earned his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering at UD in 2000, is an associate professor of computer science at the University of California Irvine (UCI). There he is working to improve a computer’s image recognition capability, or in simpler terms, a computer’s ability to “see people.” (more…)

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