Tag Archives: systems

Lärm im Meer – der unterschätzte Störfaktor

Airgunsignale stören Wale über weite Distanzen

Airguns oder Luftpulser können noch in 2.000 Kilometer Entfernung Meeressäuger stören. Das zeigt eine neue Studie des Umweltbundesamtes. Der Störeffekt kann sowohl die Physis als auch die Psyche der Tiere verschlechtern. Maria Krautzberger, Präsidentin des UBA: „Der Lärm in den Meeren nimmt zu und wird voraussichtlich weiter zunehmen. Allein schon wegen der weiter anstehenden Rohstofferkundungen in den Weltmeeren. Airguns spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Für Meeressäuger sind sie eine erhebliche Störung. Ihre Schallimpulse können die Verständigung von Blau- und Finnwalen extrem einschränken. Im schlimmsten Fall sogar über ein gesamtes Ozeanbecken hinweg.“ Dieser Effekt träte auch dann ein, wenn Airguns nur zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken eingesetzt werden. Airguns oder Luftpulser wurden entwickelt, um den Meeresboden nach Öl- und Gaslagerstätten zu untersuchen. (more…)

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Driving Force

UD prof leads photonics revolution to help researchers access high-tech foundry services

Michael Hochberg joined the University of Delaware in the spring of 2012 as an associate professor in electrical and computer engineering.

An industry leader in silicon photonics and large-scale photonic-electronic integration, Hochberg is renowned for establishing Optoelectronic Systems Integration in Silicon (OpSIS), a high-tech foundry service for silicon photonics in which the community shares the cost of fabricating complex chip-scale systems across many projects. (more…)

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UNI/CARE Moves Electronic Health Record for Connected Health and Human Services Onto Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

*Microsoft alliance will extend combined offering to its network of partners.* 

SARASOTA, Fla., and REDMOND, Wash. — March 29, 2011 — Microsoft Corp. and UNI/CARE Systems today announced they will work together to enhance coordinated care and information sharing in health and human services by pairing UNI/CARE’s Pro-Filer™ 2011 electronic health record (EHR) with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

Pro-Filer 2011 is an ONC-Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies fully certified EHR for public and behavioral health, utilized across approximately 500 agencies in 42 states. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, the combined technology platform will break down silos across agencies, departments and programs, such as behavioral health, public health, child and family services, primary care, and corrections and rehabilitation, to facilitate collaboration, coordinate services, help improve quality and outcomes, and enhance efficiencies. (more…)

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IBM Introduces New Systems to Bring More Efficiency to Data Centers Run Amok

*Continues Ongoing Investments in Innovative Workload-Optimized Systems*

ARMONK, N.Y. – 15 Feb 2011: IBM today announced workload-optimized systems to help companies manage a range of more demanding workloads that are placing new stresses on already over-taxed data centers.   

The offerings, which span IBM’s systems portfolio, represent IBM’s continued investment in systems integrated and optimized across chips, hardware and software, for a range of work at a time when companies face unprecedented amounts of data and are under pressure to become more efficient in managing and drawing timely insights from the information. (more…)

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IBM Closes Acquisition of Storwize

ARMONK, N.Y. – 30 Aug 2010: IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that it completed the acquisition of Storwize, a privately-held company based in Marlborough, MA. Financial details were not disclosed. The companies announced in July a definitive agreement to pursue the acquisition.


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