Tag Archives: e mail

Privatheit – Wie viel ist davon noch übrig?

Datenschutz, Kontrollen und die Frage nach der Privatsphäre werden besonders seit den Abhörskandalen wieder stark diskutiert. Anne Siegetsleitner, Professorin für Praktische Philosophie, fragt sich, wie mit Privatheit persönlich und gesellschaftlich umgegangen werden soll, was noch gerettet werden kann oder ob in dieser Hinsicht schon alles verloren ist.

Vor allem im Zusammenhang mit neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien oder den brisanten Enthüllungen von Edward Snowden gerieten Fragen nach dem Umgang mit Privatheit in den Fokus der medialen Aufmerksamkeit. Besonders soziale Netzwerke wie Facebook, das etwa 1,26 Milliarden Mitglieder zählt, gerieten in das Kreuzfeuer der Datenschützer und Datenschützerinnen. Doch nicht nur in solchen Kommunikationskanälen geben Menschen Informationen über sich preis. Auch via E-Mail, in Suchmaschinen oder Diensten wie WhatsApp hinterlassen die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer ihre Spuren. Facebook gilt neben Google und Amazon als eine der großen Datenbanken im Internet – und diese Informationsspeicher polarisieren. (more…)

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Web Use Doesn’t Encourage Belief in Poltical Rumors, But E-mail Does

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Despite the fears of some, a new study suggests that use of the internet in general does not make people more likely to believe political rumors.

However, one form of internet communication – e-mail – does seem to have troubling consequences for the spread and belief of rumors.

“I think a lot of people will be surprised to learn that using the internet doesn’t necessarily promote belief in rumors.  Many people seem to think that’s self-evident,” said R. Kelly Garrett, author of the study and assistant professor of communication at Ohio State University. (more…)

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USDA Moves 120,000 Users to Microsoft’s Cloud

*The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is moving its e-mail, document sharing, and other collaboration tools to Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure to save money and improve efficiency.* 

REDMOND, Wash. — Dec. 8, 2010 — The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today that it is moving its on-premises e-mail and productivity applications to Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure, becoming the first cabinet-level federal agency to embrace the cloud. 

In one of the largest cloud federal government deployments ever, the USDA is moving its 120,000 users to Microsoft Online Services, consolidating 21 different messaging and collaboration systems into one, said Chris Smith, the USDA’s chief information officer. The USDA plans to start the shift within the next four weeks.  (more…)

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The Industry Standard in Mobile Messaging Keeps Work Tasks Ticking Along

*Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync popularity on smartphones continues to grow.* 

Adam Glick, senior technical product manager for Microsoft Exchange Server, navigates his phone using Exchange ActiveSync. Image credit: Microsoft

REDMOND, Wash. — Nov. 16, 2010On any given day, millions of people around the world will take a few minutes to check their Outlook Mobile Inbox on a smartphone, especially while in transit or away from the office. 

There may be something urgent that requires their immediate response, a meeting room location change, or a new calendar appointment waiting for attention. In any instance, the ability to check in via a smartphone helps them manage tasks and get on with the day while on the go. 

For many, the convenience of accessing e-mail, calendar and contacts on a smartphone is integral to their business’ success, and they cannot imagine working without this capability. 

The protocols that allow this mobile messaging to take place on smartphones reside in Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), which has become the de-facto industry standard for mobile messaging synchronization. 

EAS is an XML-based protocol that communicates over HTTP (or HTTPS) to synchronize e-mail, contacts, calendar, tasks and notes from a messaging server to a mobile device. The protocol also provides mobile device management and policy controls.  (more…)

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