Tag Archives: nokia

What Could Graphene Mean For Your Future Smartphone?

Graphene is the material of the future, it could even help us to achieve invisibility. So what could it mean for your smartphone?

Scientists, engineers and tech-addicts everywhere are getting very excited about Graphene. It may sound like the stuff you get in your pencils but this newly discovered material could help us enter an entirely new technological age. Work is already underway to make invisibility a possibility – all thanks to the wonders of Graphene.

We’re already living in an exciting age of communication. With superfast, super accessible and super affordable 3G broadband from providers like Mobi-data we now have access to the online world wherever we are and wherever we’re travelling all over the world. Yet Graphene is set to take us into the realms of science fiction – giving smartphones and tablets the power to bend and flex, making annoying charging up a thing of the past and making our gadgets more or less indestructible. (more…)

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Nokia Unveils Its First Windows Phone 8 Devices

Nokia introduces the Lumia 820 and Lumia 920, phones designed to take full advantage of the Windows Phone 8 operating system coming this fall.

NEW YORK CITY – Sept. 5, 2012 – Nokia revealed two new Windows Phone 8 Lumias at a press event in New York City this morning.

From the circuit board on up, the new phones – the Nokia Lumia 820 and the Nokia Lumia 920 — were designed to take full advantage of Windows Phone 8, Microsoft’s forthcoming phone operating system, says Terry Myerson, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Windows Phone Division. At the press event, Nokia showed off the two next-generation Lumias, available in a number of colors, as well as some accessories, including a wireless chargers and speakers.

“These are exciting times around Windows Phone,” Myerson says in a blog post. “In June we showed the first glimpses of Windows Phone 8, our most innovative release ever, and one we can’t wait to get in the hands of people around the world later this year.” (more…)

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Smartphone Adoption Reaches 40 Percent in Canada

RIM Continues to Lead Smartphone Market, with Apple a Close Second

Google Android Doubles its Smartphone Market Share in Past Six Months to 25 Percent

TORONTO, CA, November 30, 2011 – comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released data from the comScore MobiLens service, reporting key trends in the Canada mobile phone industry for September 2011. The report ranked the leading mobile original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and smartphone operating system (OS) platforms in Canada according to their share of current mobile subscribers ages 13 and older, and reviewed the most popular activities and content accessed via the subscriber’s primary mobile phone. The September report found Samsung to be the top handset manufacturer overall with 25.2 percent market share, while RIM led among smartphone platforms with 35.8 percent share of that market segment. (more…)

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‘People-Centric’ Windows Phone 7.5 Update Released

*A look at the latest release of Windows Phone, previously code-named “Mango,” with Windows Phone Division president Andy Lees.*

REDMOND, Wash. – Sept. 27, 2011 – Beginning this morning, Windows Phones around the world will start to “ding” with important news: Windows Phone 7.5 is starting to roll out.

The first major release since Windows Phone 7 launched less than a year ago, the 7.5 release offers hundreds of new features and experiences designed to build on the phone’s intuitive, “people-first” foundation – multitasking, more integrated apps, primo mobile Web browsing, and powerful and personalized tools, like integrated social networking and conversation threads, for connecting with the people in our lives. (more…)

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Harmonic Convergence: Music and Social Networking Join Forces

*BizSpark One startup Soundtrckr lets listeners discover, play and share music on their terms — alongside their friends.*

REDMOND, Wash. — April 27, 2011 — Soundtrckr, a BizSpark One startup, mashes Internet radio with social networking and location-awareness to help users create a soundtrack for their lives.

Sometimes, opportunity presents itself when least expected. That’s what Daniele Calabrese, founder and CEO of Soundtrckr, discovered as he boarded a plane bound to Philadelphia from Madrid. Calabrese was launching a new concept in radio called Soundtrckr, a geo-social Internet music service. In its infancy, Soundtrckr just needed the right connections to take it to the heights Calabrese was convinced it could reach. He sat down and met his seat mate. (more…)

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Nokia and Microsoft Sign Definitive Agreement Ahead of Schedule

*Key contributions to new global mobile ecosystem agreed and significant progress made on engineering of new products.* 

ESPOO, Finland and REDMOND, Wash. – April 21, 2011 – Nokia and Microsoft today announced the signing of a definitive agreement on a partnership that will result in a new global mobile ecosystem, utilizing the very complementary assets of both companies. Completed ahead of schedule, the definitive agreement is consistent with the joint announcement made on February 11.

In addition to agreeing to the terms of their partnership, including joint contributions to the development of the new ecosystem, Nokia and Microsoft also announced significant progress on the development of the first Nokia products incorporating Windows Phone. With hundreds of personnel already engaged on joint engineering efforts, the companies are collaborating on a portfolio of new Nokia devices. Nokia has also started porting key applications and services to operate on Windows Phone and joint outreach has begun to third party application developers. (more…)

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Microsoft Shows New Features and Future Direction as Momentum Builds for Windows Phone 7

*At the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona, Spain, Microsoft leaders announced upcoming new features for Windows Phone 7 and provided a glimpse into the new phone’s early feedback and growing momentum*

BARCELONA, Spain – Feb. 14, 2011 – Microsoft today kicked off Mobile World Congress by giving people a glimpse of what the rest of the year will bring for Windows Phone 7. Among the updates are several new features, a booming app marketplace, and the integration of even more Microsoft products with the phone.

A concrete example of the company’s vision is the new strategic partnership with Nokia. “This partnership will combine the strengths of our two companies, and fuel our growth as we build the global Windows Phone ecosystem. This is a great win for us, for Nokia, and for our existing and new customers around the world,” said Andy Lees, president of Microsoft’s Mobile Communications Business. (more…)

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