Tag Archives: vitamin e

Wirkun­gen von Vi­ta­min E viel­­fälti­ger als ge­­dacht

Gemeinsam mit einem internationalen Forschungsteam entschlüsselten Pharmazeuten der Uni Innsbruck die entzündungshemmende Wirkungsweise von Vitamin E und seiner Stoffwechselprodukte. Die in der Zeitschrift Nature Communications veröffentlichte Studie zeigt, wie vielfältig und komplex Vitamin E und seine Metabolite wirken können. (more…)

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Study Shows How Vitamin E Can Help Prevent Cancer

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Researchers have identified an elusive anti-cancer property of vitamin E that has long been presumed to exist, but difficult to find.

Many animal studies have suggested that vitamin E could prevent cancer, but human clinical trials following up on those findings have not shown the same benefits. (more…)

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Berkeley Lab Scientists Help Develop Promising Therapy for Huntington’s Disease

Initial results in mice could lead to new way to fight neurodegenerative diseases

There’s new hope in the fight against Huntington’s disease. A group of researchers that includes scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have designed a compound that suppresses symptoms of the devastating disease in mice.

The compound is a synthetic antioxidant that targets mitochondria, an organelle within cells that serves as a cell’s power plant. Oxidative damage to mitochondria is implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s. (more…)

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