Tag Archives: asthma

Wirkun­gen von Vi­ta­min E viel­­fälti­ger als ge­­dacht

Gemeinsam mit einem internationalen Forschungsteam entschlüsselten Pharmazeuten der Uni Innsbruck die entzündungshemmende Wirkungsweise von Vitamin E und seiner Stoffwechselprodukte. Die in der Zeitschrift Nature Communications veröffentlichte Studie zeigt, wie vielfältig und komplex Vitamin E und seine Metabolite wirken können. (more…)

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Dual wir­ken­der Ent­zün­dungs­hemmer ent­deckt

Mithilfe virtueller Screening-Methoden gelang es Daniela Schuster und ihrem Team am Institut für Pharmazie in Kooperation mit Wissenschaftlern aus Jena, eine Substanz zu identifizieren, die gleichzeitig zwei wichtige Angriffspunkte für Entzündungen im Zusammenhang mit bronchialem Asthma und Schmerz hemmt. Die WissenschaftlerInnen publizierten ihre Entdeckung in Scientific Reports. (more…)

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Student Startup Aims to Prevent Traffic Jams

Winners of the second annual Imagine Cup Grants program, part of Microsoft’s YouthSpark initiative, include student startups aiming to eliminate traffic jams and bring cheap, effective ways to diagnose childhood pneumonia.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Dec. 4, 2012 — Traffic jams typically produce little more than frustration, profanity, and CO2. Four years ago, though, they happened to give Christian Brüggeman an idea.

He was sitting in a London Starbucks with a friend and fellow computer science student. As they chatted, they noticed that one street outside was choked with cars while another was practically empty.

They wondered why drivers weren’t taking advantage of every possible route. If cars could be directed along less-congested roads, wouldn’t that prevent back-ups before they began? (more…)

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Can Inflammation Predict Heart Disease and Stroke?

Can Inflammation Predict Heart Disease and Stroke?

Groundbreaking research may be able to help predict how likely it is that a person will have heart disease or a stroke in the future. Studies have linked inflammation to the risk of cardiovascular disease because of the association between the release of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and heart disease.

What is C-Reactive Protein (CRP)?

The National Institute of Health explains that CRP is a protein that is released when there is inflammation present in the body. The liver produces the protein and a blood test can be done to find out how much CRP is present in a person’s body.

What is inflammation?

John W. Kimball maintains a website describing in depth how inflammation develops in the body. Inflammation develops as a result of injury to the body. It can often be recognized by swelling and redness at the site of inflammation and may be accompanied by pain. Although inflammation often occurs on the surface of the skin, it can also occur internally. (more…)

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Microsoft Helps Imagine Cup Competitors Turn Golden Ideas into Golden Opportunities

*Some of the brightest young technologists in the nation visited San Francisco on Wednesday to share their ideas with venture capitalists, academics and media.*

SAN FRANCISCO – June 23, 2011 – A collection of students who want to change the world with technology pitched their ideas to Silicon Valley industry experts, academics, and media on Wednesday.

Several teams of students who will participate in the July Imagine Cup 2011 Worldwide Finals in New York City got to first showcase their projects to people who could help them refine their concepts, find markets for their ideas, and eventually find investors to provide the money they will need to turn their ideas turn into viable businesses. (more…)

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Berkeley Study Shows Ozone and Nicotine a Bad Combination for Asthma

Another reason for including asthma on the list of potential health risks posed by secondhand tobacco smoke, especially for non-smokers, has been uncovered. Furthermore, the practice of using ozone to remove the smell of tobacco smoke from indoor environments, including hotel rooms and the interiors of vehicles, is probably a bad idea.


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Living in a high-crime neighborhood may worsen children’s asthma

Exposure to violent crime may exacerbate asthma in children, according to a study presented on Saturday, May 1 at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


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Sandstorms and desertification

Saturday, and again on Monday (22nd March) Beijing and part of eastern China was hit by two successive severe sandstorms originating in northern China. And the fine dust travelled not only to Taiwan, but as far as to the western United States.


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