Tag Archives: daniela schuster

Dual wir­ken­der Ent­zün­dungs­hemmer ent­deckt

Mithilfe virtueller Screening-Methoden gelang es Daniela Schuster und ihrem Team am Institut für Pharmazie in Kooperation mit Wissenschaftlern aus Jena, eine Substanz zu identifizieren, die gleichzeitig zwei wichtige Angriffspunkte für Entzündungen im Zusammenhang mit bronchialem Asthma und Schmerz hemmt. Die WissenschaftlerInnen publizierten ihre Entdeckung in Scientific Reports. (more…)

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Noise pollution impacts fish species differently

Acoustic disturbance has different effects on different species of fish, according to a new study from the Universities of Exeter and Bristol which tested fish anti-predator behaviour.

Three-spined sticklebacks responded sooner to a flying seagull predator model when exposed to additional noise, whereas no effects were observed in European minnows.

Lead author Dr Irene Voellmy of Bristol’s School of Biological Sciences said: “Noise levels in many aquatic environments have increased substantially during the last few decades, often due to increased shipping traffic. Potential impacts of noise on aquatic ecosystems are therefore of growing concern.” (more…)

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