Tag Archives: app

Regenwaldschutz: der Papierkonzerns APP zieht Bilanz: Mehr als nur Schwüre auf Papier

Vor zwei Jahren verpflichtete Greenpeace den indonesischen Papierkonzern APP zu umfangreichen Zusagen. Die Bilanz: Regenwaldzerstörung eingedämmt, soziale Konflikte ungelöst.

Es war eine nervenaufreibende Kampagne, die Greenpeace drei Jahre lang gegen den größten indonesischen Konzern Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) führte. Doch sie hat sich gelohnt: Im Februar 2013 stoppte der Zellstoff- und Papierproduzent die Rodung von Regenwaldflächen, zog die Bulldozer aus seinen Wirtschaftsgebieten ab. In den folgenden Monaten beobachtete Greenpeace APP genau. Und stellte fest, dass das Unternehmen es ernst meint mit dem Regenwaldschutz. (more…)

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Hidden Florence revealed through new history tour App

An opportunity to experience an unseen side of Florence is now possible via a new smartphone App which brings the past to life through the eyes of an ordinary 15th century Florentine.

In the Italian Renaissance city of Florence, tourists often take the well-trodden routes of seeing the iconic artworks of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Michelangelo’s David.

Now, this free history App is available providing an unconventional tour in which you walk in the footsteps of wool worker Giovanni, hunting for statues, street tabernacles and piazzas whilst being told vivid tales about the city. It is based around an interactive map, complete with audio directions and storytelling. The Hidden Florence App opens up a city overlooked by conventional tourist guides. (more…)

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Welchen Fisch zum Fest?

WWF: Silvesterkarpfen und Katerrollmops ökologisch unbedenklich

Neben der klassischen Weihnachtsgans gehören  auch Lachs und Meeresfrüchte längst zum festlichen Menü an Weihnachten und zum Jahreswechsel. Wer auch der Meeresumwelt ein Geschenk machen möchte, greift beim Weihnachtseinkauf zu Lachs aus Biozucht oder MSC-zertifiziertem Wildlachs. Damit ist sichergestellt, dass der Lachs umweltverträglich gezüchtet wurde bzw. nicht aus überfischten wilden Beständen stammt.

Bei vielen „Edelfischen“ rät der WWF dagegen vom Verzehr ab: Die Bestände von Schwertfisch und Rotem Snapper stehen unter hohem Fischereidruck, außerdem enden beim Fang oft auch Meeresschildkröten und Delfine als Beifang an Langleinen und Treibnetzen. Ähnliche Probleme prägen die Fischerei auf Gelbflossenthunfisch, hier bieten jedoch Herkunft und Fangmethode eine gute Orientierung: Angelrute und Handleine sind traditionelle umweltverträgliche Fangarten, mit denen Fische einzeln gefangen werden und andere Meerestiere, wie Meeresschildkröten und Haie, verschont bleiben. (more…)

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Smartphone users value their privacy and are willing to pay for it, CU-Boulder economists find

Average smartphone users are willing to pay up to $5 extra for a typical application—or “app”—that won’t monitor their locations, contact lists and other personal information, a study conducted by two economists at the University of Colorado Boulder has found.

The researchers believe theirs is the first economic study to gauge the monetary value smartphone users place on privacy. That value is measured in consumers’ “willingness to pay” for five different kinds of digital anonymity. (more…)

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MU Researchers Develop App that Could Save Cattle Lives, Farmers’ Wallets

App also allows users to communicate with MU animal science experts

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Each year, overheated cattle cost farmers more than $1.2 billion. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri have created a smartphone application that can detect when a cow is at risk for heat stress. The app also can offer the best methods for intervention.

“Cows are like the rest of us,” said Don Spiers, professor of animal sciences at MU’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, who led the team that developed the app.  “They slow down in hot and humid weather. When stressed by too much heat, they stop eating, and thus, fail to grain weight or produce milk.” (more…)

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Medieval Manuscripts to Get Technological Makeover

The world’s largest collection of Anglo-Saxon (Old English) poetry may soon be available on a smart device App, as part of a project initiated by the University of Exeter.

The App is in its prototype stage of development but in time will introduce school age pupils to the world of medieval manuscripts and the history of the book.

The initial stage will be based around Exeter Cathedral’s famous Exeter Book (10th century) which features the Exeter Riddles, a collection of 96 literary mysteries. The University of Exeter’s Modern Languages department is working in collaboration with Antenna International to create the App which will reveal the secrets of medieval literature to a new audience. The research into the prototype model was initially funded by Research & Enterprise in Arts & Creative Technology (REACT) and Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF). (more…)

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Scientists Dramatically Reduce Plaque-Forming Substances in Mice with Alzheimer’s Disease

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Scientists have found that eliminating an enzyme from mice with symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease leads to a 90 percent reduction in the compounds responsible for formation of the plaques linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

That is the most dramatic reduction in this compound reported to date in published research.

The compounds are amyloid beta, or A-beta peptides; peptides are proteins, but are shorter in length. When A-beta peptides accumulate in excessive amounts in the brain, they can form plaques, which are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. (more…)

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Probability of Success

UD alum and ‘Jeopardy!’ champ Craig tells students it’s important to take chances

When Li Liao, associate professor in the University of Delaware Department of Computer and Information Sciences, saw Roger Craig’s almost-perfect GRE score while Craig was applying to graduate school at UD, the faculty member said to himself, “Wow, this guy is smart.”

Liao says he took a chance on Craig, who had no formal training in computer science. Craig would go on to exceed his adviser’s expectations, studying bioinformatics and earning master’s and doctoral degrees in computer and information sciences at UD.

Craig also would set several records on the Jeopardy! quiz show in 2010 and 2011, among them, the all-time record for single-day winnings ($77,000). Craig said that when he hit the daily doubles, he almost always bet everything. (more…)

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