Tag Archives: Facebook

Weißrussland: Opposition und Zensur in einer Diktatur

Weißrussland gilt als letzte Diktatur Europas. Eine mögliche Öffnung in Richtung Europa liegt in weiter Ferne, und auch um die Meinungsfreiheit im Internet ist es in der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik schlecht bestellt. Seit einer Gesetzesänderung im Januar 2012 haben viele Regimekritiker sich aus dem Netz zurückgezogen. Ein Überblick über die aktuelle Situation.

Während die Opposition in Russland das Internet aktiv für die politische Meinungsbildung nutzt und sich dieser Trend auch in der Ukraine rasant entwickelt, fehlt es in der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik Weißrussland an einem organisierten Widerstand. Wer sich gegen die Regierung stellt, muss mit großen Schwierigkeiten rechnen, so der Osteuropa-Experte Denis Friedrich von der Freien Universität Berlin. Der Politikwissenschaftler stammt selbst aus der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik und ist Mitglied der Deutsch-belarussischen Gesellschaft sowie des gemeinnützigen Vereins Menschenrechte in Belarus e.V., der sich für die Menschenrechte in seiner Heimat einsetzt. (more…)

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Social Media Helps Users Embrace Differences and Provide Support to One Another, MU Study Finds

Lady Gaga enables followers to embrace their awkwardness while deepening the perceived relationship they feel they have with the celebrity

COLUMBIA, Mo. – According to recent statistics, more than 175 million tweets are sent daily, and 11 accounts are created every second on Twitter. One celebrity who boasts the highest amount of global subscribers is singer Lady Gaga who enjoys more than 40 million Twitter followers. Now, University of Missouri communication researchers have found that online social media gives users an outlet to embrace their differences and provide emotional support to others while deepening perceived relationships they feel they have with celebrities. (more…)

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Decade-Old Rover Adventure Continues on Mars and Earth

Eighth graders didn’t have Facebook or Twitter to share news back then, in January 2004. Bekah Sosland, 14 at the time, learned about a NASA rover landing on Mars when the bouncing-ball video on the next morning’s Channel One news in her Fredericksburg, Texas, classroom caught her eye.

“I wasn’t particularly interested in space at the time,” she recalled last week inside the spacecraft operations facility where she now works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. “I remember I was talking with friends, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed this thing bouncing and rolling on a red surface. I watched as it stopped and opened up, and it had this rover inside.” (more…)

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Biologists find an evolutionary Facebook for monkeys and apes

Why do the faces of some primates contain so many different colors — black, blue, red, orange and white — that are mixed in all kinds of combinations and often striking patterns while other primate faces are quite plain?

UCLA biologists reported last year on the evolution of 129 primate faces in species from Central and South America. This research team now reports on the faces of 139 Old World African and Asian primate species that have been diversifying over some 25 million years. (more…)

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Überwachung, Totalkontrolle und tödlicher Irrtum

Staatsmacht oder «digitale» Marktmacht: Mit «Big Data» arbeiten beide an der totalen Kontrolle der Menschen zu ihren Zwecken.

In diesen Tagen sind mir drei aufreizende Texte unter die Augen gekommen. Sie haben einen Zusammenhang.

Der erste stammt von Sascha Lobo. Lobo schreibt viel. Unter anderem eine regelmässige Kolumne in «Spiegel online» unter dem Titel «Die Mensch-Maschine». Jüngst mit dem Vermerk: «Volle Kontrolle». Er schreibt dort: «Eigentlich sollen die Bürger die Machthaber kontrollieren. Doch statt dessen zimmert sich der Staat einen Apparat für vollständige Überwachung zurecht. Plötzlich ist jeder verdächtig, soll alles gespeichert werden.» (more…)

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Bing.com and FOX News team up to bring real-time online polling to nightly news; Bing Pulse featured on ‘Special Report with Bret Baier’

With Bing Pulse, viewers become a part of the conversation.

REDMOND, Wash. — Sept. 16, 2013 — Bing.com and FOX News Channel (FNC) are teaming up on the Bing Pulse online voting tool, enabling viewers to share their opinions and reactions to news commentary in real time online at https://Bing.com/politics. With the new feature, viewers will have the opportunity to interact with the panel segment on FNC’s “Special Report with Bret Baier” (weeknights at 6 p.m. ET) to offer their feedback instantaneously.

“This is a first for evening news,” said Josh Gottheimer, general manager of Strategic and Special Projects at Microsoft Corp. “With the Bing Pulse, viewers get a seat at the table to weigh in on the discussion. It’s the perfect marriage of the Internet, Bing’s big data technology and television news programming.” (more…)

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How the brain creates the ‘buzz’ that helps ideas spread

How do ideas spread? What messages will go viral on social media, and can this be predicted?

UCLA psychologists have taken a significant step toward answering these questions, identifying for the first time the brain regions associated with the successful spread of ideas, often called “buzz.”

The research has a broad range of implications, the study authors say, and could lead to more effective public health campaigns, more persuasive advertisements and better ways for teachers to communicate with students. (more…)

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Companies Look at Wrong Things When Using Facebook to Screen Job Applicants

Employers are increasingly using Facebook to screen job applicants and weed out candidates they think have undesirable traits. But a new study from North Carolina State University shows that those companies may have a fundamental misunderstanding of online behavior and, as a result, may be eliminating desirable job candidates.

Researchers tested 175 study participants to measure the personality traits that companies look for in job candidates, including conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion. The participants were then surveyed on their Facebook behavior, allowing researchers to see which Facebook behaviors were linked to specific personality traits. (more…)

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