Tag Archives: algorithm

New algorithm more accurately predicts life expectancy after heart failure

UCLA research could help health care providers make better use of life-saving resources

A new algorithm developed by UCLA researchers more accurately predicts which people will survive heart failure, and for how long, whether or not they receive a heart transplant. The algorithm would allow doctors to make more personalized assessments of people who are awaiting heart transplants, which in turn could enable health care providers to make better use of limited life-saving resources and potentially reduce health care costs. (more…)

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Raising Computers to Be Good Scientists

A team of UA researchers is sifting through thousands of research papers to improve treatment for cancer patients, one algorithm at a time.

Making sense of the new scientific data published every year — including well over a million cancer-related journal articles — is a tall order for the contemporary scientist. (more…)

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Vom Chaos zur Ordnung: Wie Ameisen ihre Nahrungssuche optimieren

Ameisen sind zu komplexen Problemlösungen fähig – und ihre Strategien könnten breite Anwendung in Optimierungstechniken finden. Eine einzelne Ameise wandert bei der Nahrungssuche nach dem Zufallsprinzip herum, wie Biologen feststellten. Im Kollektiv aber zeigen die Ameisen ein weit hierüber hinaus reichendes Verhalten, wie jetzt eine mathematische Studie in den Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences zeigt: Ab einem bestimmten Punkt verändern sich die Bewegungsmuster der Tiere vom Chaos zur Ordnung. Dies geschieht überraschend wirkungsvoll durch Selbst-Organisation. Das Verhalten der Ameisen zu verstehen könnte helfen bei der Analyse ähnlicher Phänomene – etwa wie Menschen sich im Internet bewegen. (more…)

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Fruit flies – fermented-fruit connoisseurs – are relentless party crashers

That fruit fly joining you just moments after you poured that first glass of cabernet, has just used its poppy-seed-sized brain to conduct a finely-choreographed search, one that’s been described for the first time by researchers at the University of Washington.

The search mission is another example of fruit flies executing complex behaviors with very little “computational” power, their brains having 100,000 neurons compared to house flies with 300,000 neurons and humans with 100 billion. (more…)

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How Computers Push on the Molecules They Simulate

Berkeley Lab bioscientists and their colleagues decipher a far-reaching problem in computer simulations

Because modern computers have to depict the real world with digital representations of numbers instead of physical analogues, to simulate the continuous passage of time they have to digitize time into small slices. This kind of simulation is essential in disciplines from medical and biological research, to new materials, to fundamental considerations of quantum mechanics, and the fact that it inevitably introduces errors is an ongoing problem for scientists.

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have now identified and characterized the source of tenacious errors and come up with a way to separate the realistic aspects of a simulation from the artifacts of the computer method. The research was done by David Sivak and his advisor Gavin Crooks in Berkeley Lab’s Physical Biosciences Division and John Chodera, a colleague at the California Institute of Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) at the University of California at Berkeley. The three report their results in Physical Review X. (more…)

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Fish-tailing Robots

Robotic boats track radio-tagged common carp in area lakes

As a stiff breeze sweeps across Staring Lake in suburban Minneapolis, a five-foot, antenna-sporting robotic boat plies the water in a back-and-forth pattern.

On the shore, Volkan Isler follows the action as two graduate research assistants launch a second boat.

Today Isler, an associate professor of computer science at the University of Minnesota, and graduate students Pratap Tokekar and Josh Vander Hook have come to the lake to test the newer of the boats. Their mission: developing a new technology to track invasive fish. (more…)

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