Tag Archives: simulation

Accelerating research into dark energy

A quick method for making accurate, virtual universes to help understand the effects of dark matter and dark energy has been developed by UCL and CEFCA scientists. Making up 95% of our universe, these substances have profound effects on the birth and lives of galaxies and stars and yet almost nothing is known about their physical nature. (more…)

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Treating aortic aneurysms through virtual reality

Virtual models can be created in the angiography room thanks to an approach developed by researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) and the university’s departments of radiology, radiation oncology, and nuclear medicine. The latest advances were presented by Dr. Gilles Soulez at the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe (CIRSE) conference on September 27, 2015. (more…)

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Fischlarven im Schichtbetrieb

Eine Störung des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus erhöht bei Zebrafischlarven das Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Das zeigt eine aktuelle Studie von Forscherinnen und Forschern um Dr. Margit Egg von der Universität Innsbruck. Die Untersuchung könnte einen wichtigen Hinweis auf die Ursache vermehrter kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen bei Arbeitnehmern in Schichtbetrieben liefern.

In Fabriken, Krankenhäusern und Verkehrsbetrieben verrichten Bedienstete ihre Arbeit zu sehr unterschiedlichen Zeiten. Sie haben einen zeitlich verschobenen Tagesablauf und wechseln immer wieder die Schicht. Nun haben Wissenschaftler um Dr. Margit Egg vom Institut für Zoologie der Universität Innsbruck in der Fachzeitschrift Chronobiology International eine Studie veröffentlicht, in der sie den Einfluss der inneren Uhr auf physiologische Parameter in Zebrafischlarven aufklären konnten. Störungen des zirkadianen Rhythmus verändern demnach bei den Larven die Anzahl und Qualität der roten Blutkörperchen deutlich und beeinflussen die Lebenserwartung der Tiere. Im vergangenen Jahr hatten die Innsbrucker Wissenschaftler bereits gezeigt, dass Sauerstoffmangel bei Zebrafischen die innere Uhr verstellen und umgekehrt Störungen der inneren Uhr die molekulare Reaktion auf Sauerstoffmangel verändern kann. (more…)

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Online Design: Novel Collaborative Software Helps Systems Engineers Link Performance and Cost

Today’s modeling and simulation (M&S) software provides indispensible tools for systems engineering challenges. Such programs allow investigators to experiment with “what-ifs” by adjusting design parameters and examining potential outcomes.

A team from the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) has produced an advanced web-based tool that lets physically separated participants collaborate on model-based systems engineering projects. Known as the Framework for Assessing Cost and Technology (FACT), the program utilizes open-source software components to allow users to visualize a system’s potential expense alongside its performance, reliability and other factors. (more…)

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IBM Sets U.S. Patent Record

Achieves 21st Straight Year of Patent Leadership
IBM inventors received more than 6,800 U.S. patents in 2013

ARMONK, N.Y. – 14 Jan 2014: IBM today announced that its inventors received a record-setting 6,809 patents in 2013 – the 21st consecutive year the company topped the annual list of U.S. patent leaders. (more…)

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UCLA scientists explain the formation of unusual ring of radiation in space

Since the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts in 1958, space scientists have believed these belts encircling the Earth consist of two doughnut-shaped rings of highly charged particles — an inner ring of high-energy electrons and energetic positive ions and an outer ring of high-energy electrons.

In February of this year, a team of scientists reported the surprising discovery of a previously unknown third radiation ring — a narrow one that briefly appeared between the inner and outer rings in September 2012 and persisted for a month. (more…)

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Ultracold Big Bang experiment successfully simulates evolution of early universe

Physicists have reproduced a pattern resembling the cosmic microwave background radiation in a laboratory simulation of the Big Bang, using ultracold cesium atoms in a vacuum chamber at the University of Chicago.

“This is the first time an experiment like this has simulated the evolution of structure in the early universe,” said Cheng Chin, professor in physics. Chin and his associates reported their feat in the Aug. 1 edition of Science Express, and it will appear soon in the print edition of Science. (more…)

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In last great age of warmth, CO2 at work — but hardly alone

Warming patterns during Earth’s last period of prolonged global warmth differed dramatically from modern temperature patterns, according to new research by a Yale University scientist and colleagues. Cloud feedbacks, ocean mixing, or other dynamic factors must have played a greater role in Pliocene warming than commonly recognized, the scientists argue, and these must be accounted for in order to make meaningful predictions about Earth’s future climate.

In a paper published April 4 in the journal Nature, Yale climate scientist Alexey Fedorov and colleagues compile records of sea surface temperatures going back five million years, to the early Pliocene. These records reveal a world with fairly uniform warm temperatures in the whole of the Tropics prior to 4 million years ago — a significant scenario that typical climate model simulations fail to show. (more…)

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