Tag Archives: design

“Coffee to go”? Projekt über Englisch im öffentlichen Wiener Raum

“Kaffee zum Mitnehmen” oder “Coffee to go”: Wie “englisch” ist Wien im Zeitalter der Globalisierung wirklich? Das erforscht die Sprachwissenschaftlerin Barbara Soukup vom Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Universität Wien. Werbeplakate, Geschäftsschilder und Hinweistafeln mehrerer Wiener Straßenzüge werden auf ihren Sprachgebrauch untersucht und sollen Aufschluss darüber geben, wie Englisch in der Wiener Öffentlichkeit präsent ist.

Die Erforschung von Sprachverwendung im öffentlichen Raum ist ein Bereich der angewandten Sprachwissenschaft, der seit den 1990er Jahren stark im Aufschwung ist. Das Forschungsobjekt wird dabei meistens als “Sprachlandschaft” (“linguistic landscape”) bezeichnet. Ein zentrales Interesse gilt der Rolle, die offizielle und inoffizielle Sprachpolitiken und -ideologien in diesem Zusammenhang spielen. Oftmals wird speziell die Präsenz von Minderheitensprachen erforscht; es wurden aber auch schon Zusammenhänge zu eher unbewusstem Fremdsprachenlernen hergestellt. (more…)

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Bing discusses design and technology in NYC

Bing brings together tastemakers and experts to share insight on the intersection of beauty and functionality and how technology plays a role in modern design.

NEW YORK — Earlier this week, Bing gathered together a variety of taste makers and journalists at an intimate and interactive panel to discuss the convergence of design and technology. (more…)

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Getting to the heart of disease

Scientist works toward molecular therapies for cardiovascular diseases

Born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, to Jewish parents before the fall of the Soviet Union, Michael Simons, M.D., says a medical career was “sort of a default.” Anti-Semitism barred Jews from many scientific pursuits, so his parents, both doctors, encouraged his interest in medicine as the basis for a strong natural science education.

Simons’ family immigrated to Boston in 1978. Simons had begun a 6-year medical program immediately after high school in Russia, so he was admitted to Boston University School of Medicine as a third-year student, but he chose instead to start anew, as an undergraduate. “I thought, if I continue in a medical program, I’ll forever have an inadequate undergraduate education,” he says, speaking with a mild accent and an understated intensity. (more…)

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Latest JBEI Startup to Speed Up Biotech Industry

TeselaGen’s DNA construction technology makes genetic engineering cheaper and faster.

Sequencing, splicing and expressing DNA may seem to be the quintessence of cutting-edge science—indeed DNA manipulation has revolutionized fields such as biofuels, chemicals and medicine. But in fact, the actual process can still be tedious and labor-intensive, something Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) scientist Nathan Hillson learned the hard way.

After struggling for two days to design a protocol to put together a genetic circuit with 10 pieces of DNA—using a spreadsheet as his primary tool—he was dismayed to discover that an outside company could have done the whole thing, including parts and labor, for lower cost than him ordering the oligonucleotides himself. “I learned two things: one, I never wanted to go through that process again, and two, it’s extremely important to do the cost-effectiveness calculation,” said Hillson, a biochemist who also directs the synthetic biology program at the Berkeley Lab-led Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI). “So that was the genesis of the j5 software. This is the perfect thing to teach a computer to do.” (more…)

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Passion for Pattern

*Design fuels the whole world, says Amber Billings*

This past spring, Amber Billings competed nationally with other college students to design a pack for Orbit gum. The second-year U of M graphic design student was named one of the eight contest winners. She received $5,000. And her design and signature appear on limited edition packs of Orbit’s Melon Remix gum through February 2012.

Recently, Amber Billings discussed what inspires her design work. (more…)

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Powered Lift: Novel GTRI Design Would Let Commercial Jets Use Smaller Airports While Reducing Noise

Research underway at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) could enable fixed-wing jet aircraft to take off and land at steep angles on short runways, while also reducing engine noise heard on the ground.

About the image: This computer-generated graphic shows a model of the cruise-efficient, short take-off and landing (CESTOL) aircraft design that GTRI researchers are investigating. Image credit: California Polytechnic State University (more…)

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