Tag Archives: hiv

HIV+ women respond well to HPV vaccine

A three-nation clinical trial found that a vaccine can safely help the vast majority of HIV-positive women produce antibodies against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus, even if their immune system is weak and even if they’ve had some prior HPV exposure.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — HIV-positive women respond well to a vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV), even when their immune system is struggling, according to newly published results of an international clinical trial. The study’s findings counter doubts about whether the vaccine would be helpful, said the Brown University medical professor who led the study. Instead, the data support the World Health Organization’s recommendation to vaccinate women with HIV. (more…)

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UCLA researchers create Google Glass app for instant medical diagnostic test results

A team of researchers from UCLA’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science has developed a Google Glass application and a server platform that allow users of the wearable, glasses-like computer to perform instant, wireless diagnostic testing for a variety of diseases and health conditions.

With the new UCLA technology, Google Glass wearers can use the device’s hands-free camera to capture pictures of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), small strips on which blood or fluid samples are placed and which change color to indicate the presence of HIV, malaria, prostate cancer or  other conditions. Without relying on any additional devices, users can upload these images to a UCLA-designed server platform and receive accurate analyses — far more detailed than with the human eye — in as little as eight seconds. (more…)

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Data on today’s youth reveal childhood clues for later risk of STDs

Here’s yet another reason to focus on kids’ early years. Children who grow up in well-managed households, enjoy school, and have friends who stay out of trouble report fewer sexually transmitted diseases in young adulthood, according to a new analysis.

The findings, from University of Washington longitudinal surveys of nearly 2,000 participants, suggest that efforts to curb the spread of sexually transmitted diseases should begin years before most people start having sex. (more…)

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Zukunftsthema Infektionskrankheiten – zwei neue Forschungsprojekte im Bereich Medizinische Biodiversität und Parasitologie

In Zeiten des Globalen Wandels finden zahlreiche Krankheitserreger und -überträger ihren Weg in neue Lebensräume. Auch zeigen sich gänzlich neuartige Krankheiten und treten häufig erst mit zeitlicher Verzögerung in den Industrieländern auf. Lebensweisen, Umweltbedingungen und Wirt-Erreger-Interaktionen beeinflussen dabei die Ausbreitungsmechanismen. Die Frankfurter Arbeitsgruppe um Prof. Dr. Sven Klimpel (Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, LOEWE Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum und Goethe-Universität) trägt nun mit zwei neuen Projekten, einer Graduiertenschule und einem BiodivERsA-Projekt, zum Verständnis der komplexen Zusammenhänge bei.

Infektionskrankheiten sind die weltweit häufigste Todesursache: Im Jahr 2001 starben laut Schätzungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ca. 14,9 Millionen Menschen daran. Dies entspricht etwa 26 % aller Todesfälle. In den Industrieländern konnten im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts viele Infektionskrankheiten durch verbesserte Lebensbedingungen und Hygiene sowie den medizinischen Fortschritt zurückgedrängt werden. Seit einigen Jahrzehnten spielen hier jedoch neu oder wieder auftretende Infektionskrankheiten und durch Vektoren, also andere Organismen (z.B. blutsaugende Insekten), übertragene Krankheiten eine zunehmende Rolle. Etliche dieser Erreger wurden erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten entdeckt, wie z.B. das Humane Immundefizienz-Virus (HIV), Hanta-Viren, sowie virale Erreger hämorrhagischer Fieber, z.B. das Ebola- oder Marburg-Virus. Die hohe Mobilität der Menschen und der weltweite Handel schaffen vielfältige Übertragungswege: Von einer einzigen Infektionsquelle ausgehend können Personen in verschiedenen Ländern infiziert werden. Die rapide globale Ausbreitung des SARS-Erregers (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) im Winter 2002/2003 ist ein aktuelles Beispiel für diese globale Bedrohung. (more…)

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Helping adolescents understand the consequences of risky sexual behavior

Both parents and health care providers wonder: What is the best way to get through to adolescents about the dangers of risky sexual behavior? Research by investigators from Yale School of Medicine and the Yale play2PREVENT Lab finds that both positive and negative messaging may influence adolescent behavior. The study is published online in the journal Health Education Research.

The researchers write that 48% of high school students have had sex, and 6% had sex by the age of 13. Beginning sexual activity at an early age increases the risk of multiple partners, unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections. A full half of all new sexually transmitted infections in the United States occur in individuals aged 15 to 25. (more…)

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Nature Medicine

Engineering professor co-authors Nature Medicine paper on HIV

Ryan Zurakowski, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Delaware, is co-author of a paper appearing in Nature Medicine on Jan. 12 highlighting the role of T-cells in HIV.

The paper, titled “HIV-1 Persistence in CD4+ T-Cells with Stem Cell-Like Properties,” provides evidence that a particular T-cell type may help researchers better understand why HIV can persist despite treatment. (more…)

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IBM Research and Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Convert Recycled Plastics into Disease Fighting Nanofibers

Opens new applications for the nearly 5.5 billion pounds of PET bottles and jars available annually for recycling

SAN JOSE, Calif – 09 Dec 2013: Researchers from IBM and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology have made a nanomedicine breakthrough in which they converted common plastic materials like polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into non-toxic and biocompatible materials designed to specifically target and attack fungal infections. This research was published today in the peer-reviewed journal, Nature Comm. (more…)

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Nice genes! What makes you genetically compatible with your partner?

Professor Daniel Davis and his wife Katie’s experience is documented in The Compatibility Gene, published by Penguin, which discusses how our crucial compatibility genes may influence finding a life partner as well as our health and individuality.

Professor Davis said: “We each possess a similar set of around 25,000 human genes. Some of our genes vary from person to person, like those that give us a particular eye or hair colour. But my book is about the few genes – our compatibility genes – that vary the most between each of us. First and foremost these are immune system genes; they control how we combat disease. But recent research shows that they may be even more important than we once thought – there is evidence that they can influence how our brains are wired, how attractive we are, even how likely we are to reproduce.’’ (more…)

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