Tag Archives: telemedicine

UA Engineers Bring 5G Whiz to Cell Networks

UA-led research into 5G networks allows for remote surgery, autonomous vehicles and ever-faster processing speeds.

If you have a cellphone, you’ve probably heard the terms “3G,” “4G” and maybe even “5G.” They’re all generations, or Gs, of cellular systems, ranging from the very first analog cellphones, which ran on 1G, to today’s high-speed smartphones, which run on 4G. (more…)

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UCLA researchers create Google Glass app for instant medical diagnostic test results

A team of researchers from UCLA’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science has developed a Google Glass application and a server platform that allow users of the wearable, glasses-like computer to perform instant, wireless diagnostic testing for a variety of diseases and health conditions.

With the new UCLA technology, Google Glass wearers can use the device’s hands-free camera to capture pictures of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), small strips on which blood or fluid samples are placed and which change color to indicate the presence of HIV, malaria, prostate cancer or  other conditions. Without relying on any additional devices, users can upload these images to a UCLA-designed server platform and receive accurate analyses — far more detailed than with the human eye — in as little as eight seconds. (more…)

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