Category Archives: Jobs

Stark in der Arbeit

Forscher haben im Verbundprojekt „Resilire“ Instrumente zur Förderung der psychischen Widerstandskraft entwickelt

Von einem Termin zum nächsten eilen, dazwischen mit einem verärgerten Kunden telefonieren und dann noch ein neues Projekt planen: Resilienz oder auch psychische Widerstandskraft unterstützt Beschäftigte dabei, mit solch hohen Arbeitsanforderungen erfolgreich umzugehen und sogar daran zu wachsen. (more…)

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Trading changes how brain processes selling decisions

Market experience leaves people less susceptible to economic bias, study finds

Experience in trading changes how the human brain evaluates the sale of goods, muting a well-established economic bias known as the endowment effect, according to researchers at the University of Chicago. (more…)

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‘Prostitution’ as a second job: Stories of ‘Laila’ and ‘Chandra‘ – garment workers from Bangladesh

Things went not so well for Laila, a divorced 28-year-old mother of one who is now a garment worker in a factory located in Savar area, the apparel industry hub of Bangladesh and not far away from the Dhaka city’s fringe. She was happily married to a man who was a masonry worker but since his income was never stable and sufficient enough for the family, it all started to go very erratic. (more…)

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Steve Jobs bleibt die Ausnahme

Auch wenn es Karrieren wie die von Steve Jobs oder Bill Gates suggerieren – Hochschulabbrecher sind nicht die erfolgreicheren Unternehmer. Darauf deuten Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung hin, die ein Kasseler Wirtschaftswissenschaftler mit Kollegen aus Dänemark und Norwegen anhand von dänischen Arbeitsmarktdaten durchgeführt hat. (more…)

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‘Ban the Box’ leads to increase in employer racial discrimination

ANN ARBOR — “Ban the Box” legislation seeks to open doors to employment for people with criminal records by barring employers from asking about records on employment applications. More than 20 states and over 100 municipalities have passed such laws in recent years, some of which govern private employers. (more…)

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When Workplace Relationships Are Good, Both Positive and Negative Humor by Leaders Can Improve Employees’ Job Satisfaction

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Past research as well as conventional wisdom about the use of humor by leaders suggests that positive humor should result in happier subordinates who are satisfied with their jobs. Conventional wisdom also suggests that leaders should avoid negative humor, though actual support for that belief is scarce and ambiguous. Now, a recent study from the University of Missouri has found that the relationship between leader-humor and job satisfaction is dependent on the quality of the relationship between leaders and their subordinates not the positive or negative tone of the leader’s humor. (more…)

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