Tag Archives: humor

Humor hilft heilen

Eckart von Hirschhausen spricht an der Universität Tübingen zu den Möglichkeiten der positiven Psychologie im Gesundheitswesen ‒ Erlös geht an Stiftung sowie Forschungsprojekt zu Depressionen

Wenn Menschen ernsthaft erkranken, setzt sich ein professionelles medizinisches Räderwerk in Gang: Laboruntersuchungen, der Einsatz von High-End-Geräten, hochwirksame Medikamente. Kann man in einer solchen Lebenssituation ernsthaft an gute Laune denken? Man kann nicht nur, man sollte sogar! Eine positive Stimmung fördert den Genesungsprozess wie zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zeigen, die von der Stiftung „Humor hilft heilen“ des Entertainers Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen gefördert werden. (more…)

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When Workplace Relationships Are Good, Both Positive and Negative Humor by Leaders Can Improve Employees’ Job Satisfaction

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Past research as well as conventional wisdom about the use of humor by leaders suggests that positive humor should result in happier subordinates who are satisfied with their jobs. Conventional wisdom also suggests that leaders should avoid negative humor, though actual support for that belief is scarce and ambiguous. Now, a recent study from the University of Missouri has found that the relationship between leader-humor and job satisfaction is dependent on the quality of the relationship between leaders and their subordinates not the positive or negative tone of the leader’s humor. (more…)

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Mastering Scientific Mumbo Jumbo

About the video: Discusses the interaction between abiotic and biotic factors. The style of the animation is influenced by The Common Craft Show.

Warning: This class will teach students to translate scientific mumbo jumbo into understandable phrases.

Michigan State University’s first, free Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, also promises to then teach students “to speak mumbo jumbo and amaze your friends.” (more…)

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