Category Archives: General

Victims want to change, not just punish, offenders

Revenge is a dish best served with a side of change.

A series of experiments conducted by researchers affiliated with Princeton University has found that punishment is only satisfying to victims if the offenders change their attitude as a result of the punishment. (more…)

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Vielfalt bewegt die Stadt

Städte und Orte sind im ständigen Wandel und werden zu Zentren für unterschiedliche Traditionen, Kulturen und Erfahrungen. Welchen Beitrag Migration für Urbanität und Bildung leistet, untersucht Professor Erol Yildiz am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität Innsbruck.

Das Wort „Migration“ stammt aus dem Lateinischen und bedeutet Bewegung, (Aus-) Wanderung und Umzug. „Man bewegt sich von A nach B – das gab es immer und wenn man Migration auch historisch betrachtet, dann sieht man, dass die Bewegung von Menschen immer der Normalfall war und nicht die Ausnahme“, erläutert Erol Yildiz seine Grundannahme. „Ich verwende gerne die Begriffe ‚sesshafte Mobilität’ oder ‚mobile Sesshaftigkeit’, denn sie beschreiben unsere gesellschaftliche Situation am treffendsten“, so Yildiz. Der Wissenschaftler ist davon überzeugt, dass Zuwanderung wesentlich zur Urbanisierung beiträgt: „Wenn Menschen von außen kommen, bringen sie neues Wissen mit, von dem andere und der Stadtteil, in den sie ziehen, profitieren können.“ (more…)

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Army drug users twice as likely to use synthetic marijuana as regular marijuana

Social work researchers from the University of Washington have found that among a group of active-duty Army personnel who use illicit drugs, the most abused substance is synthetic marijuana, which is harder to detect than other drugs through standard drug tests. (more…)

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Despite its British origins, Americans get a bad rap for using the word ‘soccer’

ANN ARBOR — It’s football, not soccer! Or is it?

Americans use the word soccer to describe the game that just about everybody else in the world calls football, and this duel over semantics enrages purists of the game. (more…)

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Remote Surveillance May Increase Chance of Survival for ‘Uncontacted’ Tribes, MU Study Finds

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Lowland South America, including the Amazon Basin, harbors most of the last indigenous societies that have limited contact with the outside world. Studying these tribes, located deep within Amazonian rainforests, gives scientists a glimpse at what tribal cultures may have been like before the arrival of Europeans. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri have used satellite images to assess the demographic health of one particular village of isolated people on the border between Brazil and Peru. Remote surveillance is the only method to safely track uncontacted indigenous societies and may offer information that can improve their chances for long-term survival. (more…)

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“Simming” a mile in others’ shoes

Scott Magelssen has had more lives than an accident-prone cat. He’s been a waiter in a logging camp. An anthrax victim. A Mexican migrant trying to cross into the U.S. A slave seeking freedom on the Underground Railroad. An observer during an attack on an Iraqi village.

It’s all in a day’s work for Magelssen, a UW associate professor of drama, who has participated in a variety of interactive simulations for his upcoming book, Simming to be published in June by University of Michigan Press. The book explores the impact of simulations and the potential of such immersive environments to promote social change. (more…)

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For Men of Color, High Academic Motivation Does Not Bring Academic Success

AUSTIN, Texas — Despite higher levels of engagement in the community college experience — from rarely skipping classes to accessing tutoring services more frequently — male students of color have lower academic outcomes than White male students who are significantly less engaged, according to a recent University of Texas at Austin report.

Aspirations to Achievement: Men of Color and Community Colleges” was produced by the College of Education’s Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE). It is based on responses from more than 453,000 students nationwide to the Community College Survey of Student Engagement. (more…)

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‘CSI: Middle Ages’: True-crime mystery by UCLA medievalist illuminates 15th-century Paris

UCLA English professor Eric Jager has never played Dungeons and Dragons. He is not a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. He doesn’t even understand the appeal of historically themed restaurants like Medieval Times.

“If you really want to reenact the Middle Ages, then you should drink contaminated water, contract the plague and die very quickly,” Jager quips. “It wasn’t a very pleasant time.” (more…)

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