Tag Archives: killing

Analysis: 32 years of U.S. filicide arrests

Over the last three decades U.S. parents have committed filicide — the killing of one’s child — about 3,000 times every year. The horrifying instances are often poorly understood, but a recent study provides the first comprehensive statistical overview of the tragic phenomenon. The authors also suggest underlying hypotheses of motives with the hope of spurring research on filicide prevention.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Instances in which parents kill their children may seem so horrifying and tragic that they defy explanation. Published scientific and medical research, meanwhile, doesn’t offer much epidemiological context to help people understand patterns among such heinous crimes. A paper in the March edition of the journal Forensic Science International provides the first comprehensive statistical analysis of filicide in the United States, drawing on 32 years of data on more than 94,000 arrests. The study also explores possible underlying psychiatric and biological underpinnings of filicide. (more…)

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How technology killing your sex relationship

In our life, technology is an essential part in our life, which we will never ignore it. Nevertheless, one thing is sure that sometimes technology comes as a wall in our relationship. Therefore, we fall on it and make our life more miserable as well. Particularly, it is felt very much in our sex relationship as well. The reason is that the technology comes as an intruder in our privacy time. Therefore, that, if we could not immediately avoid it during our privacy time, then our relationship will be suffered also. When we are in any kind of sexual activity, then we should be careful about it. Therefore, that it can hamper our high time in our personal physical journey as well. 

Phone call

When you are engaged in sexual activity, then if you get the phone call, you should immediately ignore it. Otherwise, your exploration in the sexual world will be incomplete. Therefore, you should make yourself stubborn in your conviction that you will never receive any phone call during your sexual journey as well. Actually, what happens is that when you will receive the phone call during sexual activity, your partner will be upset most. Therefore, you should be careful in this matter. Otherwise, your relationship with your partner will never see the reality as well.  (more…)

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Killing of Bin Laden Offers Insight into “The Business of Martyrdom”

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The way the U.S. military killed Osama bin Laden sent a message every bit as powerful as the fact that he was killed in the first place, according to the author of a new history of suicide bombing.

The fact that bin Laden was killed by a team of highly trained soldiers – and not by a drone or bomb – spoiled the grand narrative of brave Muslim fighters vs. U.S. technology that bin Laden and al Qaeda had developed in their war against the United States.

“Bin Laden had built up this image of himself and al Qaeda as a morally superior David against the technological Goliath that is the United States,” said Jeffrey Lewis, a lecturer in the International Studies program at Ohio State University. (more…)

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