Tag Archives: uk

New study to investigate impact of lobbying

Experts will investigate whether wealthy individuals and groups really do control political decisions as part of a new study.

Academics at the University of Exeter will investigate how policy is influenced by lobbying in the UK, the USA, the Netherlands and Germany to see which kinds of groups may have unfair access because of their funding, status or size. (more…)

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New research examines shellfish consumption

A pioneering Cornish research partnership is providing invaluable information to the UK’s shellfish industry by improving understanding of what seafood people choose to eat and why.

University of Exeter Medical School PhD student, Nick Boase, is conducting surveys across the country to shed light on what people understand about shellfish, and uncover reasons why they might shy away from consuming produce grown in the UK. (more…)

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Neues aus der Materialphysik: Einzelne Siliziumatome in Graphen verschoben

Seit einigen Jahren ist es möglich, einzelne Atome mit Hilfe eines Elektronenmikroskops abzubilden. Besonders eindrucksvoll gelingt dies bei Graphen, einer nur ein Atom dicken Schicht aus Kohlenstoffatomen. Einer Gruppe rund um Toma Susi, Physiker an der Universität Wien, ist es nun in Kooperation mit Teams aus Großbritannien und den USA gelungen, einzelne Siliziumatome im Graphen-Gitter zerstörungsfrei zu bewegen. Aktuell berichten die ForscherInnen im renommierten Journal “Physical Review Letters”, wie ihre Experimente mit Hilfe spezialisierter Mikroskopie-Techniken und aufwendiger Computerberechnungen glückten. (more…)

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Major turtle nesting beaches protected in one of the UK’s far flung overseas territories

Sea turtles are not a species one would normally associate with the United Kingdom. But on the remote UK overseas territory of Ascension Island, one of the world’s largest green turtle populations is undergoing something of a renaissance.

Writing in the journal Biodiversity and Conservation, scientists from the University of Exeter and Ascension Island Government Conservation Department report that the number of green turtles nesting at the remote South Atlantic outpost has increased by more than 500 per cent since records began in the 1970s. (more…)

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Invertebrate numbers nearly halve as human population doubles

Invertebrate numbers have decreased by 45% on average over a 35 year period in which the human population doubled, reports a study on the impact of humans on declining animal numbers. 

This decline matters because of the enormous benefits invertebrates such as insects, spiders, crustaceans, slugs and worms bring to our day-to-day lives, including pollination and pest control for crops, decomposition for nutrient cycling, water filtration and human health. (more…)

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Statistical analysis unveils the hidden patterns in Eurovision voting

Voting for the Eurovision Song Contest has been scrutinised by statistics experts at UCL and Imperial College London, who have found that musical talent is unlikely to be the only element that wins scores – but that the contest is not ‘stitched up’ at the UK’s expense. 

The analysis of voting patterns over the past two decades suggests that widespread support for certain countries’ acts is, however, not driven by prejudice, as the media periodically suggests, but by positive loyalties based on culture, geography, history and migration. But these effects are relatively small – and the team found no evidence to support Sir Terry Wogan’s criticism that the contest is marred by blatant bias and discrimination. (more…)

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Climate change won’t reduce winter deaths

Climate change is unlikely to reduce the UK’s excess winter death rate as previously thought. A new study, published in Nature Climate Change, debunks the widely held view that warmer winters will cut the number of deaths normally seen at the coldest time of year.

Analysing data from the past 60 years, researchers at UCL and the University of Exeter looked at how the winter death rate has changed over time, and what factors influenced it. (more…)

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