Tag Archives: sex

Vampires & Shades of Grey: How Media Shapes Who We Are

Don’t think media shapes how you behave? Think again, says Hope Schau, a UA associate professor of marketing.

Are you a Homer Simpson or a Dexter? How about a Clair Huxtable or a Carrie Bradshaw? Chances are you don’t think of yourself as a doughnut-loving oaf, a brilliant serial killer, an unflappable power-mom/lawyer nor a lovelorn fashionista.

But when you watch these characters on television, your brain is doing something you may not even realize, says University of Arizona associate professor of marketing Hope Jensen Schau: figuring out who you are. (more…)

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Helping adolescents understand the consequences of risky sexual behavior

Both parents and health care providers wonder: What is the best way to get through to adolescents about the dangers of risky sexual behavior? Research by investigators from Yale School of Medicine and the Yale play2PREVENT Lab finds that both positive and negative messaging may influence adolescent behavior. The study is published online in the journal Health Education Research.

The researchers write that 48% of high school students have had sex, and 6% had sex by the age of 13. Beginning sexual activity at an early age increases the risk of multiple partners, unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections. A full half of all new sexually transmitted infections in the United States occur in individuals aged 15 to 25. (more…)

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Heart attack survival far lower in UK than Sweden

The chance of surviving a heart attack is far lower in the UK than Sweden, according to a major new study published in The Lancet. The startling findings suggest that more than 11,000 lives could have been saved over the past 7 years had UK patients experienced the same care as their Swedish counterparts.

“Our findings are a cause for concern,” says study leader Professor Harry Hemingway, from the Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, and the National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research at UCL. “The uptake and use of new technologies and effective treatments recommended in guidelines has been far quicker in Sweden. This has contributed to large differences in the management and outcomes of patients.” (more…)

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Bacteria may allow animals to send quick, voluminous messages

Twitter clips human thoughts to a mere 140 characters. Animals’ scent posts may be equally as short, relatively speaking, yet they convey an encyclopedia of information about the animals that left them.

In the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a Michigan State University researcher shows that the detailed scent posts of hyenas are, in part, products of symbiotic bacteria, microbes that have a mutually beneficial relationship with their hosts. (more…)

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Importance of sex conversation before sex

The importance of sex conversation before sex is a very much delicate issue. The reason is that sex is a short time engagement. Therefore, you have to take some serious elements for consideration. The reason is that sex is the mental and physical engagement. Therefore, you will require the understanding of these elements well. Before doing sex, you should always converse with your partner. The reason is that it will clear any doubt about the courtship and it will make sexual ritual more serene. Actually, you should remember that once you are get into the sexual relationship, then you will have no opportunity to get away from it. Therefore, it is better to clear any doubt through the sex conversion before starting the sexual ritual as well.  (more…)

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Dolphins keep lifelong social memories, longest in a non-human species

Dolphins can recognize their old tank mates’ whistles after being separated for more than 20 years—the longest social memory ever recorded for a non-human species.

The remarkable memory feat is another indication that dolphins have a level of cognitive sophistication comparable to only a few other species, including humans, chimpanzees and elephants. Dolphins’ talent for social recognition may be even more long-lasting than facial recognition among humans, since human faces change over time, but the signature whistle that identifies a dolphin remains stable over many decades. (more…)

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7 easy and practical ways to recharge your sex life

So you have been with the love of your life for a few years now and things really cannot get any better for you in terms of your relationship. But even the most loving of all couples go through a phase where they find themselves having lesser and lesser sex. Since a healthy sex life is the key to happiness in a romantic relationship, such a situation warrants immediate attention. However, instead of reaching for the magic blue pill, you should try these holistic, easy and practical ways instead.

1. Take a yoga class together

Yoga may look like hard work but it is actually one of the best known types of workout for couples who want to rekindle the romance. The slow pace, the emphasis on breathing and the stretching, all help calm the mind and body down which is necessary to allow couples to unburden their mind of their daily worries and focus on building intimacy. Since the workout won’t be rigorous, you’d still have enough energy for a hookup while the limberness provided by the stretching will help you experiment as well. (more…)

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Sex at zero gravity

University of Montreal researchers found that changes in gravity affect the reproductive process in plants. Gravity modulates traffic on the intracellular “highways” that ensure the growth and functionality of the male reproductive organ in plants, the pollen tube. “Just like during human reproduction, the sperm cells in plants are delivered to the egg by a cylindrical tool. Unlike the delivery tool in animals, the device used during plant sex consists of a single cell, and only two sperm cells are discharged during each delivery event,” explained Professor Anja Geitmann of the university’s Department of biology. “Our findings offer new insight into how life evolved on Earth and are significant with regards to human health, as a traffic jam on these highways that also exist in human cells can cause cancer and illnesses such as Alzheimer’s.” (more…)

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