Tag Archives: Science

Computer programming languages can impact science and thought

Knowledge Lab project to investigate programming features and data science environments

For decades, fierce debates have raged over the benefits of different programming languages over others: Java vs. C++; Python vs. Ruby; Flask vs. Django. While often waged with fervor by computer scientists and programmers, these debates tend to rely on anecdotal evidence, with very little rigorous comparison of programming approaches or the larger question of how software may augment human thinking. (more…)

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Science through the eyes of an artist

ANN ARBOR — “Don’t you feel like you’re taking a dip in the lake as you come into the gallery?” asks Sara Adlerstein-Gonzalez as she enters the Washington Street Gallery in downtown Ann Arbor, arms outreached as if she could feel the ocean breeze, paintings charged with blues and occasionally green and brown specks on both sides of the entrance. (more…)

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Lighter, Cheaper Radio Wave Device Could Transform Telecommunications

AUSTIN, Texas — Researchers at the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have achieved a milestone in modern wireless and cellular telecommunications, creating a radically smaller, more efficient radio wave circulator that could be used in cellphones and other wireless devices, as reported in the latest issue of Nature Physics. (more…)

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Growing inequalities make science more of a ‘winner takes all’ field

ANN ARBOR — As new research documents growing inequalities in health and wealth, the gap between “haves” and “have-nots” is growing in the field of scientific research itself, says University of Michigan sociologist Yu Xie.

“It’s surprising that more attention has not been paid to the large, changing inequalities in the world of scientific research, given the preoccupation with rising social and economic inequality in many countries,” said Xie, research professor at the U-M Institute for Social Research and professor of sociology, statistics and public policy. (more…)

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Meeresbewohner auf der Roten Liste

Hamburg, 12.05.2012: Tierische und pflanzliche Meeresbewohner  stehen unter Druck: 30 Prozent der marinen Arten in deutschen Nord- und Ostseegewässern sind gefährdet. Dies geht aus  der „Roten Liste“ der marinen Arten, die das Bundesamt für Naturschutz heute veröffentlichte hervor. „Diese Bestandsaufnahme verdeutlicht, dass wir unsere Meere besser schützen müssen, um die Vielfalt des marinen Lebens zu bewahren. Das Meer braucht auch Ruhezonen ohne menschliche Eingriffe wie Fischerei oder Rohstoffabbau, um  sich zu erholen“, kommentiert Stephan Lutter, Meeresschutzexperte des WWF. Auch Düngemitteleintrag aus der Landwirtschaft und Verschmutzung durch Plastik oder chemische Stoffe schädigen die Lebensräume im Meer und  ihre Bewohner. (more…)

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