Tag Archives: identifying mobile scam

Phishing for Trouble: How to Spot and Avoid Mobile Scams

In this digital age, almost everything can be accessed using the tips of our fingers. Hence, almost everyone of all ages is glued to their cell phones, distracting them from interacting with people. However, while mobile phones help us in many ways, especially convenience, they’re also a hot spot for hackers and scammers. (more…)

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Science through the eyes of an artist

ANN ARBOR — “Don’t you feel like you’re taking a dip in the lake as you come into the gallery?” asks Sara Adlerstein-Gonzalez as she enters the Washington Street Gallery in downtown Ann Arbor, arms outreached as if she could feel the ocean breeze, paintings charged with blues and occasionally green and brown specks on both sides of the entrance. (more…)

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